Meget, meget svagere, end man skulle tro om et land med både forsvar, udmærket sikkerhedsgeografi og masser af oliemilliarder:
Landet er ødelagt, rendt over ende, gået i forrådnelse.
Hvad er der sket – hvad har ødelagt vort broderland?
Vel, i Oslo har der været en demo mod Israels fremfærd i Libanon , og til den demonstration kunne avisen Verdens Gang finde ikke mindre end TRE deltagere, der havde noget pænt at sige om Hizbollah. Og andet skal der simpelt hen ikke til at vælte vort broderland totalt af pinde, rende det over ende og ødelægge det for alle andre.
I hvert fald hvis man skal tro Pullimutten, den sædvanligvis velunderrettede kilde til oplysning om alverdens fortræd.
Ville visse kredse måske simpelt hen foretrække, at demonstrationer vendt mod f.eks. Israel simpelt hen var forbudt og skulle opløses ved politikølle, og er det i virkeligheden i denne manglende politikølle, at forrådnelsen ifølge disse mennesker består?
Vel, det finder vi selvfølgelig først ud af den dag visse mennesker får magt, som de har agt, og det sker forhåbentlig aldrig.
I mellemtiden vil jeg, om selve sagen, nøjes med at citere Gideon Levy fra dagens Ha’aretz:
Israel is hoping for the elimination of Nasrallah. That’s an atavistic impulse, even if understandable, which seeks the head of the enemy in order to prove our victory over him. There’s no wisdom or practicality in it. Once again it is worth reminding ourselves of the dozens of people Israel assassinated in Lebanon and the territories, from Sheikh Abbas Mussawi to Sheikh Ahmed Yassin, each replaced by someone new, usually more talented and dangerous than the predecessor. The goals of the war should not be dictated by dark impulses, even if they come in response to the wishes and demands of the mob. The only advantage that would benefit Israel from the elimination of Nasrallah would be that maybe it would bring about an end to the warring. But it can be halted even without that. The other desired goal, the return of the prisoners, will anyway only be achieved through negotiations to release prisoners. Israel could have done that before the war.
It is still too early to weigh out the balance of achievements and failures of this war. The day will come when it will become clear that it was purposeless, as are all wars of choice. Ceasing it now guarantees a limited achievement at a limited price. Continuing it guarantees a heavy price without any guarantee of a suitable reward. Therefore, Israel must cease and desist. The president of the United States can push us to continue the war all he wants, the prime minister of Britain can cheer us in parliament, but in Israel and Lebanon, the blood is being spilled, the horror is intensifying, the price is rising and it is all for naught.
Er det “forrådnelse”, om borgere i dette land eller Norge mener som Levy, og går på gaden for at vise det? Then so be it …
PS: Mavepusteren er inde på noget lignende.
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