De iranere er dog nogle uciviliserede slyngler, konstaterer Monty Python-medlemmet Terry Jones i dagens Guardian:
Hvordan er det dog, de behandler de britiske soldater, de har fanget? Jeg mener: Hvor er hætterne og de elektriske ledninger? Det lader til, de ikke engang har fået bank. Den var aldrig gået på Guantanamo.
Og de får lov at ryge cigaretter, selvom det forlængst er bevist, at cigaretter er sundhedsskadelige. Hvad tænker de iranere på?
As for compelling poor servicewoman Faye Turney to wear a black headscarf, and then allowing the picture to be posted around the world – have the Iranians no concept of civilised behaviour? For God’s sake, what’s wrong with putting a bag over her head? That’s what we do with the Muslims we capture: we put bags over their heads, so it’s hard to breathe. Then it’s perfectly acceptable to take photographs of them and circulate them to the press because the captives can’t be recognised and humiliated in the way these unfortunate British service people are.
It is also unacceptable that these British captives should be made to talk on television and say things that they may regret later. If the Iranians put duct tape over their mouths, like we do to our captives, they wouldn’t be able to talk at all. Of course they’d probably find it even harder to breathe – especially with a bag over their head – but at least they wouldn’t be humiliated.
And what’s all this about allowing the captives to write letters home saying they are all right? It’s time the Iranians fell into line with the rest of the civilised world: they should allow their captives the privacy of solitary confinement. That’s one of the many privileges the US grants to its captives in Guantánamo Bay.
Vores alle sammens Citizen er lidt inde på problematikken. Som Jones siger: der er hårdt brug for, at præsident Bush sætter ind og bringer fred, demokrati og vestlige værdier til Iran – ligesom han gjorde i Irak!
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