Hvor er der dog sikkert i Irak

Patrick Cockburn:

Last year US embassy employees in the heart of  the Green Zone complained that they were ordered not to wear body  armour and helmets if they were photographed or filmed standing beside  John McCain because their attire might seem to contradict his claim that  Baghdad was a safer place than was being reported. When Vice President  Dick Cheney visited there was a ban in the Green Zone on sounding the  siren which normally gives a few seconds warning of incoming rocket or  mortar rounds. Cheney’s staffers thought the sirens’ menacing wail might  suggest to American television viewers that all was not as well in Iraq as  the vice president was claiming. In the case of Barack Obama’s visit on 21 July much of central Baghdad was closed down to guarantee his safety,  deep though he was within the Green Zone. A friend called Gaylan had taken his car out to get its air conditioner fixed in the Karada district of  east Baghdad when US troops stopped all traffic at 12.15pm. Caught in  the torrid heat of the Iraqi summer, he and other drivers were not allowed  to move again until six in the evening.

Ingen rører sig, mens operation photo op er i gang! I grunden utroligt, at det amerikanske militær vil lade sig misbruge til den form for “tryghedsteater”; mindre utroligt, at irakerne er trætte af en så arrogant besættelsesmagt og gerne vil have dem hjem.

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