Børn helt ned til 9-års-alderen udsættes for vold og seksuelle overgreb i Iraks overfyldte fængsler, læser vi i dagens Guardian:
Hundreds of children, some as young as nine, are being held in appalling conditions in Baghdad’s prisons, sleeping in sweltering temperatures in overcrowded cells without working fans, no daily access to showers, and subject to frequent sexual abuse by guards, current and former prisoners say.
At Karkh juvenile prison, Omar Ali, a 16-year-old who has spent more than three years there, showed the multiple skin sores he and many other fellow inmates have contracted through lying on thin, sweat-soaked mattresses night after night.
Guards often take boys to a separate room in the prison and rape them, Omar alleged. They also break prison rules by lending their mobile phones to boys to ring home, on condition that each time their families top the phone up by $10 or $20. The teaching staff resigned en masse in November because of low pay, according to an international official. As a result, the children lounge around aimlessly with no daytime activities, other than an exercise yard.
Though the boys in the prison have been convicted, international standards for fair trials are never met.
Hvorfor var det lige præcis, at Danmark var med til at angribe Irak og vælte Saddam Hussei, tilbage i 2003? Nåh ja – for at bringe frihed og demokrati til landet. Jeg håber, Anders Fogh Rasmussen og Per Stig Møller er tilfredse med, hvor deres løgne og deres ulovlige krig har bragt Irak hen!
Eller også håber jeg, de må stege i helvede.
Link: Inmates tell of sexual abuse and beatings in Iraq’s overcrowded juvenile prison system
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