Eurofascisme i danske blogs – underligt sammentræf

Vestlandets Flamske Ungdom, højregruppe med tilknytning til Vlaams Belang

Øyvind Strømmen om sin definition af Eurofascisme:

Instead of worrying about Islamofascism, European politicians should worry about not-so-good, old-fashioned European fascism, which increasingly makes it presence known in a number of European countries. Groups on the socalled far right use the onesidedness of the media to their advantage; and are gaining a momentum. The spokesmen of fascism are once again being listened to as wise and daring voices, voices who speak out against the «occupation» of Europe by «strangers».

Skjoldungen ovre på Hodjas blog:

[Filip Dewinter er et] fremtrædende medlem af Vlaams Belang (Flanderns Sag), et politisk parti som arbejder for løsrivelse fra den kunstige, anakronistiske stat Belgien, EUSSR’s hovedstad. Dette parti deler på mange måder skæbne med Dansk Folkeparti således at forstå at det konstant udsættes for de sædvanlige skældsord, som racister, rystende menneskesyn, ikke stuerene, islamofobe o.s.v., o.s.v.. – hele den primalreflektoriske floskulatur.

Filip Dewinter har Europa en politiker af den rette støbning. Her er der ingen “uld i mund” eller “jeg må på det bestemteste tage afstand fra”. Han siger tingene lige ud.

Og hvad er det så for ting, Dewinter “siger lige ud”? Et citat: “Islam does not belong in Europe, not yesterday, neither today, and certainly not tomorrow.

Ligesom Mogens Camre, med andre ord: “Islam” skal ud af Europa, og ikke et ord om, hvad det får af konsekvenser for vore muslimske medborgere. Underligt sammentræf, som sagt. Der er også andre ting, det minder mig om.

Det er dog ikke sikkert, at alle de mennesker, som “eurofascismen” og den nye antisemitisme appellerer til, selv kan se sammentræffet. Øyvind Strømmen fortsætter, i den artikel, vi citerede ovenfor:

The modern-day fascists come in all kinds of clothing, some of them dressing like liberals and some of them like conservatives. Many modern-day fascists will deny being so. But fascism is not as easy to recognise as in «V for Vendetta», not in most cases. European fascists have learnt to dress themselves in the robes of political correctness, that is – in a suit and with a tie. This is what Eurofascism looks like, and it even appeals to people who are not fascists at all. You will find both misguided conservatives and confused liberals joining forces with the descendants of brownshirts. Pointing out who they are hanging out with is sometimes contraproductive. The role of the martyr fits these people well.

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