Vestbredden – det nye Vilde Vesten?

Ikke helt – i det Vilde Vesten blev hestetyve hængt, på Vestbredden bliver man idømt bøder for at klage over dem. I hvert fald hvis tyvene er israelske bosættere og ofret en arabisk bonde:

Palestinian farmerIsraeli horse rustlers have deprived a West Bank Palestinian farmer of his livelihood.

“While I was busy with one of my daughter’s engagements, settlers from the Efrat settlement came and stole my 1,600 dollar [USD] horse. This horse is my only means of income and I use it to plow people’s land,” Ibrahim Suleiman Muhammad Salah, a 45-year-old Palestinian farmer from Al-Khadr explained.

After the incident, Salah rushed to the Israeli police to complain and accuse the settlers of theft.

Salah says the police refused to listen to his claim, instead accusing him of “causing problems” at the station. In the end, he was forced to pay a fine of 1,000 Israeli shekels (250 US dollars).

Settlers have been trying to take over his land by planting trees, but Salah and his brothers removed them in front of Israeli troops, who menaced them with their guns.

He has been assaulted on numerous occasions by the Israelis and therefore appealed to Palestinian President Mahmoud Abbas and Prime Minister Salam Fayyad for help. Salah has also appealed to the Al-Khadr municipality other organizations after this recent incident, but all have ignored his case or refused to help him.

Link: Settler rustlers steal farmer’s horse

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