Menneskerettigheder i det frie, demokratiske Irak

Et samfund skal som bekendt måles på, hvordan det behandler sine oprørere, sine afvigere og sine modstandere.

Så hvad sker der, hvis man i Irak kaster sko efter George W. Bush? Ideelt set kunne man forestille sig, at vedkommende blev anholdt, visiteret og afhørt med henblik på at få klarlagt, om han evt. skulle have været i besiddelse af ting, der kunne tyde på, han var til større fare – f.eks. våben. Når afhøringen er afsluttet ville det være tid til at løslade ham med en advarsel, evt. med mulighed for sigtelse for forstyrrelse af den offentlige orden eller lignende.

Yeah right:

Some of my contacts in Baghdad assured me that the Iraqi Journalist who threw the shoes at bush today was heavily beaten (you can actually hear him scream in pain in this released video)

After beating him, the Iraqi authorities arrested Mr. Al-Zeidi. Here is a statement issued by Al-Baghdadia (the TV channel he works with):

(rough translation)

Al Baghdadia asks the Iraqi authorities to immediately release our employee Montather Al-Zeidi in line with the Iraqi and US promises of democracy and freedom of expression. Any action taken against Montather Al-Zeidi will remind us of the behavior we experienced during the time of the dictatorship era that when we witnessed violence, arbitrary arrests, mass graves and the confiscation of public freedoms and private.

We also call for press and media institutions and the Arab world to stand in solidarity with Montather Al-Zeidi and call for his release.

(end translation)

I started an online petition to ask for the immediate release of Montather. Please visit and sign it here. I’ll print the petition and hand it over to the Iraqi embassy in DC in case he was not released this week.

Klik her for at skrive under på at Montather skal løslades!

Som der står herover, vil underskrifterne blive afleveret til den irakiske ambassade i Washington DC.  Selveste Noam Chomsky har allerede skrevet under, så hvad venter du på?

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