Dagens citat: KABOBfest

Kalash skriver, kort og godt:

The occupier could easily put an end to the violence perpetrated by Palestinians if it were to grant them freedom and basic civil rights.

Dette betyder dog ikke, fortsætter Fayyad, at han og de andre amerikanske palæstinensere, som skriver KABOBfest, er uvidende om diverse fejl og mangler hos den palæstinensiske modstand mod Israel, som den eksisterer i dag:

We fully support the concept but have differing views on the tactics being used. Many of our readers understand enough to justify their own contempt or support for such organizations, but most Americans can’t even comprehend the concept of Palestinian resistance – all they see are images that remind them of Hollywood terrorists. Dazed and confused, they have many questions…

Israel needs to end the occupation. Over the years – and particularly after being chosen by the people in free elections – Hamas has shown a consistent willingness to negotiate which has never been taken advantage of; it is doing everything it can. Nonetheless, its representatives need to do so with grace. Their defiance is understandable, as is their frustration; political expediency is obviously not their forte. But if they want to be taken seriously, they need to be less aggressive when speaking to the world. Of course, toning down the religious rhetoric would also facilitate their acceptance… and those boring speeches, read in the same monotonous tone, accompanied by the notorious waving finger we’ve come to know and hate, could use a change. They have a long way to go as a political organization, but one thing is certain: presently, Hamas has no reason to recognize Israel’s right to exist, especially not while it continues to kill Palestinians and make life miserable for the ones they spare.

Læs hele indlægget og bliv lidt klogere på Hamas’ rolle og mange (eksil-)palæstinenseres syn på dem.

Link: Hamas – What’s the Problem?

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