Retssag mod Guantanamo-bagmænd på vej

Ikke i USA, men i Spanien. Men det kan blive alvorligt nok for de pågældende, hvis de rejser uden for USAs grænser. Sagens bagmand er Baltasar Garzón, hvis retssag mod Chiles diktator Pinochet førte til hans anholdelse i London for mange år siden.

The Observer skriver:

The officials named in the case include the most senior legal minds in the Bush administration. They are: Alberto Gonzales, a former White House counsel and attorney general; David Addington, former vice-president Dick Cheney’s chief of staff; Douglas Feith, who was under-secretary of defence; William Haynes, formerly the Pentagon’s general counsel; and John Yoo and Jay Bybee, who were both senior justice department legal advisers.

Court documents say that, without their legal advice in a series of internal administration memos, “it would have been impossible to structure a legal framework that supported what happened [in Guantánamo]”.

If Garzón decided to go further and issued arrest warrants against the six, it would mean they would risk detention and extradition if they travelled outside the US. It would also present President Barack Obama with a serious dilemma. He would have either to open proceedings against the accused or tackle an extradition request from Spain.

Link: Six Bush officials accused of torture

Update: Politiken skriver nu også om sagen, der ifølge dem også kunne komme til at omfatte selveste Dick Cheney.

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