Pakistan: Fredelige demonstranter chikaneret og arresteret uden grund

Jeg har modtaget denne pressemeddelelse, som jeg gengiver bl.a. for at vise, hvordan denne vores “allierede i krigen mod terror” fører sig frem på sin hjemmebane – og for at minde lidt om, hvad det egentlig har af konsekvenser for civilbefolkningen, når den pakistanske hær “bekæmper Taleban”:

Peaceful Anti-War Protestors Harrassed & Arrested

*People’s Resistance*, a civil society coalition of students, professionals and ordinary citizens, strongly condemns police violence and arrest of peaceful anti-war protestors in Quaidabad, Karachi
today, on grounds that the right to peaceful dissent has been violated.

The march had been organized by The Jang Mukhalif Committee (Anti War Committee) comprising several local groups that have been protesting the army operation since August 2008. The committee included the Bajaur Committee of Peoples Resistance, Labor Party Pakistan,
International Socialists, Swat Quami Ittehad, Anjumani-i-Buner, and many neighbourhood groups.

At 6:15pm a disproportionately large police force, several hundred in number, baton-charged the protestors and even the cart-pullers and other people present in Quaidabad and later near Gul Ahmed Chowrangi. Fifteen protestors were arrested and shifted to the Shah Latif Police Station and Quaidabad Police Chowki. Panic spread in the area.

Seven of the fifteen people – the exact number is unclear – were arrested from Quaidabad Chowk, in front of Hamid Hospital, and taken to Shah Latif Thana. After the arrests, the police lathi charged and
dispersed the crowd. The vicious and prompt action has been videotaped. Rehana of International Socialists climbed into the policewagon as they were taking Ali Hassan, Riaz, Salaam, and others
away. Later Adaner and Shaukat were picked up and taken to a Police Chowki, while they were only standing around. They were later brought to Shah Latif. Later, a few more people who were protesting the arrests were picked up from Gul Ahmed Chowrangi, and taken to a police station.

The update from Tanvir who is at the Police Station is that they have issued FIRs under Sectioin 188 of the PPC. But they have also said the decision will be made by higher ups. It looks likely that they will be in the Police Station all night long. Shah Latif Thana is beyond Landhi, on the right, on Shahrah e Faisal a couple of kilometers past FAST Institute. There are reports that they may be moved to another police station during the night.

Those arrested include Dr. Riaz, Ali Hassan, Rehana Channar, Ali Leghari, ,Asim Jaan of International Socialists, Adaner, Shujaat Zaheer Khan and Salam of Labour Party of Pakistan, and Shoukat from
Jang Mukhalif Committee. Rehana Channar was later released.

The protest was held to demand that the government halt its operation in Swat, Dir, Buner, and Waziristan. As the government tries to divert attention towards just relief efforts, the Committee presses that the war, the root cause of this immense human suffering, must be stopped. According to Sartaj of International Socialists, “the operation has resulted in the large scale expulsion of more than 2 million people from their homes. These people demand a peaceful return to their
homes and lands and relief work will only provide them with temporary solutions.” Moreover, he states that there are no official counts of civilian deaths, estimated in the thousands, and there is absolutely no hope that these people will ever be compensated for their loss.

Salaam, a member of the committee, says that the Taliban, the target of this operation, will not be eliminated by military heavy handedness; if anything, the operation will exacerbate the presence of
these militias which will regroup and find new recruits.

People’s Resistance strongly condemns the brutal suppression of Peaceful Dissent and violent harrassment of ordinary Citizens on the part of the concerned authorities, and demands the Immediate Release of those arrested.

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8 thoughts on “Pakistan: Fredelige demonstranter chikaneret og arresteret uden grund”

  1. Det har jeg for så vidt ingen grund til at dialogisere om.

    Da jeg for et par år siden skrev det pågældende indlæg, ville jeg gerne citere JPs leder fra dengang, men havde ikke adgang til den originale tekst.

    Så jeg googlede og fandt dette speciale fra 1974:

    hvor det er citeret. Jeg så ikke nogen grund til at tvivle om citatets rigtighed heri, så jeg citerede den ordlyd, jeg fandt dér.

    Det har senere vist sig at være forkert på nogle punkter, der i nogen grad må anses for mindre væsentlige, eftersom selve lederen i forvejen er så utroligt antisemitisk, at det næppe kan undskyldes.

    Det er beklageligt, at der på denne måde har indsneget sig en fejl fordi jeg citerede fra en fejlbehæftet kilde, men jeg har altså bragt citatet i god tro. Længere er den såmænd ikke.

  2. Tak for at have fulgt min opfordring.

    M.h.t. dn lttr ggr-hystrsk kmmntr p mn blg, s r dr ngn dr
    frr frm md bl g brnd. ll vrkr mgt fdmpd (dg hr jg kk hrt
    rd-nrvwt m sgn).

    Dr knsttrs t d hr gvt flsk plysnngr g ngvt dn gn sd sm
    kld, g d hr ndldt t dbsnr dt, d d slv km tl rkndls f
    dss fjl.

    Hvs dt sgt vr t plys, s hvd d j plyst m d fjl d hvd bgt.
    Hvs dt sgt vr t plys s hvd d ngvt Ptr Lmnn sm kld hr:

  3. Tilføjelse:

    Jeg har ikke “givet falske oplysninger og angivet min egen side som kilde”. Jeg kom ved en fejltagelse til at antage, at et citat i et historiespeciale fra Københavns Universitet fra 1974 var korrekt og bragte det derfor på min side.

    Jeg har ikke bragt det andre steder og har heller ikke bevidst “bragt falske oplysninger”. Og så er vi tilbage til det med at tale pænt 🙂 Der kommer i øvrigt et opklarende indlæg lidt senere, men essentielt er der ikke mere i det, end jeg skrev i den første kommentar.

  4. @ Carsten

    What’s up med de manglende vokaler i Williams sidste indlæg? Mig bekendt kan han ikke serbisk, selv om det ligner.

    Er det her et af de få tilfælde, hvor selv du ville bifalde en go’, gammeldags gang amerikansk imperialisme?


  5. Jørgen: Kommentaren er såmænd blevet udvokaliseret, hvilket skal ses som en mindre drastisk måde at udtrykke utilfredshed med indhold og tone en sletning. Og ja, det er et amerikansk fænomen.

  6. @ Carsten

    Ah, det anede mig, at det betød “censur.” Trist.

    Du ved selvfølgelig, at William aldrig kunne drømme om at gøre noget tilsvarende mod dig på sin side, ikke?

  7. Jørgen:

    Der er jo ikke tale om “censur”. William kan bare tale pænt, så skal hans kommentarer såmænd nok få lov til at stå. Og hvis han ikke kan det har han stadig sin fulde frihed til at sige, præcis hvad han vil, et andet sted end her.

    Mht hvad han kunne finde på eller ikke finde på er det klart, at alle kan blive nødt til at slette kommentarer fra en blog eller et debatforum fra tid til anden for ikke at komme i karambolage med lovgivningen -- den teoretiske mulighed eksisterer i hvert fald.

    Selv sætter jeg pris på at blive talt bare minimalt ordentligt til i mit eget hus. Saglig uenighed er noget andet, den er derimod ganske velkommen 🙂

    Denne sides kommentarpolitik kan i øvrigt læses her:

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