Medie bragt til tavshed af mumiestråler

Farlige mumiedødsstråler lammer heltemodigt medie

For real, et avisudklip fra Chicago Tribune, 20. marts 1921.

Fra The Hope Chest, en blog der er dedikeret til underlige avishistorier for ca. 100 år siden.

Bloggen tilføjer selv:

I think we all instinctively feel the same way about “brown spirit rays,” whatever their source. Then again, if Egyptian mummies turn out to be the primary or sole source of these brown emanations, then charges of Orientalism are sure to follow. In that case, our very favorite color of spiritual radiation is brown–we don’t want any trouble from the late Edward Said’s ronin bodyguards.

Længere nede i artiklen forklarer Mrs. Fairclough-Smith, at hun også er en profet, der blandt anden prædiker modstand mod jazzdans:

She said the couples dancing in the modern way would be shocked if they could see the evil figures of the spirit world that writhe about the ballroom in their midst.

Link: Brown spirit rays

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