Saudi-arabisk familie slæber djinn i retten

Den onde eller i hvert fald drillesyge ånd plager dem ved at lægge ondskabsfulde beskeder på deres telefonsvarere og stjæle deres mobiltelefoner, om man skal tro CNN:

The lawsuit filed in Shariah court accuses the genie of leaving them threatening voicemails, stealing their cell phones and hurling rocks at them when they leave their house at night, said Al-Watan newspaper.

An investigation was under way, local court officials said.

“We have to verify the truthfulness of this case despite the difficulty of doing so,” Sheikh Amr Al Salmi, the head of the court, told Al-Watan. “What makes this case and complaint more interesting is that it wasn’t filed by just one person. Every member of the family is part of this case.”

The family, which has lived in the same house near the holy city of Medina for 15 years, said it became aware of the spirit in the past two years.

“We began hearing strange noises,” the head of the family, who requested anonymity, told Al-Watan. “In the beginning, we didn’t take it seriously, but after that, stranger things started happening and the children got really scared when the genie began throwing stones.”

A local charity has moved the family to a temporary residence while a court investigates, the newspaper said.

Som artiklen også gør opmærksom på, er forestillingen om djinner  udbredt i store dele af den islamiske verden, og selvom de arabiske djinner har nogle særlige karakteristika, kan de formentlig bedst sammenlignes med de overnaturlige væsner fra vore egne himmelstrøg, nisser og elverfolk og hvad har vi.

Hvad der undrer mig er, hvad man forestiller sig, at domstolen kan gøre for at hjælpe i et tilfælde som dette – man skulle tro, det lå uden for dens jurisdiktion.

Link: Saudi family sues genie, alleges harassment

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