Aktivering: Slave, mærk din herres pisk!

Capac har historien om den unge mand, som var kaldt til møde på jobcentret – men gerne ville have det udsat, fordi hans mor pludselig var død og skulle begraves den dag.

Jobcentrets svar?

Dagbladet Holstebro-Stuer fortæller historien om den 32-årige Torben Frederiksen fra Hjerm, hvis mor døde af kræft i søndags og som bliver begravet torsdag.

Torben Jørgensen var også indkaldt til et informationsmøde på Jobcentret i Struer torsdag, og da han henvendte sig for at melde afbud, fik han at vide, at begravelse ikke tæller som grund til ikke at møde op.

Som arbejdsløs skal man altså ikke være et øjeblik i tvivl om, hvem der bestemmer her. Jeg er selv arbejdsløs og kan berette, at der til et møde i jobcentret typisk foregår det, at man forklarer, hvilke jobs, man har søgt det sidste stykke tid, og viser konsulenten to eller flere opslåede stillinger, man kan søge. Det er absolut ikke noget, som ikke kan udsættes eller som man overhovedet burde spilde nogens tid med.

En tankevækkende opvågnen til dem, der tror, at slaveriet er afskaffet i det moderne samfund.

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4 thoughts on “Aktivering: Slave, mærk din herres pisk!”

  1. Ja. “Der er desværre ikke noget, vi kan gøre, vi skal overholde reglerne” … Skrankepaveri i 28. potens.

  2. Not reported in the press, and only anecdotal evidence, more reports of crackpot social worker idiocy in Denmark:

    A young ‘unemployed’ woman in her fifth month of pregnancy, began bleeding and was told by the hospital to halt all strenuous activity, told to rest in bed and given a sick note for her social worker who handled her unemployment status and payments case at the kommune. She was then told by the social worker that these were not grounds to not turn up for ‘aktivering’ place and threatened by personal phone calls out of office hours that if she didn’t turn up for her aktivering placement her money would be cut. Also included in the phone calls were accusations that the woman was merely trying to ‘dodge’ work, was lazy and didn’t “want to work”. I find this absolutely crazy. Crazy system giving crazy people the right to abuse.

    Another woman, single, with a sick child, was told that her social security payment would be cut due to her having time off her aktivering placement to take care of her child.

    Another unemployed person, mother in the last stages of terminal cancer, only had days to live, told that if he brought the mother out of hospital to his own home to care for her in the last days, his unemployment benefit would be cut because ‘in Denmark we do not care for our dying at home, that is the job of the professionals’.

    This is nothing that the individual’s involved would want published in the press with names and faces, all highly personal events, but goes to show how all it takes is a social worker with an axe to grind and maybe some kind of sadistic mental complex to make victims of the victims.

    This is the primary reason we would rather eat shit with sugar than ever claim even one kroner from the so called Danish welfare system. Because there is too much abuse in that system and once in it, one would be snared like a fly in a spiders web.

    Very emotive words I am using, but I meet so many tragic cases day in day out and I think the only way forward is for people to step out of the welfare programs where at all possible, not because it is ‘wrong’ to claim support when needed, but really, there’s more freedom in begging with a cup.

    But that being said, I understand that sometimes it is the only option, and my good wishes go to people who have no other available choice but to go to the government for money back.

  3. Well put: Money back. It’s precisely because socialhjælp and dagpenge are actually our money back from the government, that rather than desist from claiming it we should demand the right to claim it with dignity.

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