I USA, indtil videre. Men det er slemt nok (og kan være på vej hertil): Hele proceduren lader til at have til hensigt at ydmyge passageren og få vedkommende til at tage nøgenscanneren (altså en kropsscanner, der viser sikkerhedspersonalet et billede af dig uden tøj på) næste gang:
At BWI, I told the officer who directed me to the back-scatter that I preferred a pat-down. I did this in order to see how effective the manual search would be. When I made this request, a number of TSA officers, to my surprise, began laughing. I asked why. One of them — the one who would eventually conduct my pat-down — said that the rules were changing shortly, and that I would soon understand why the back-scatter was preferable to the manual search. I asked him if the new guidelines included a cavity search. “No way. You think Congress would allow that?”I answered, “If you’re a terrorist, you’re going to hide your weapons in your anus or your vagina.” He blushed when I said “vagina.”
“Yes, but starting tomorrow, we’re going to start searching your crotchal area” — this is the word he used, “crotchal” — and you’re not going to like it.”
“What am I not going to like?” I asked.
“We have to search up your thighs and between your legs until we meet resistance,” he explained.
“Resistance?” I asked.
“Your testicles,” he explained.
‘That’s funny,” I said, “because ‘The Resistance’ is the actual name I’ve given to my testicles…”
The pat-down at BWI was fairly vigorous, by the usual tame standards of the TSA, but it was nothing like the one I received the next day at T.F. Green in Providence. Apparently, I was the very first passenger to ask to opt-out of back-scatter imaging. Several TSA officers heard me choose the pat-down, and they reacted in a way meant to make the ordinary passenger feel very badly about his decision. One officer said to a colleague who was obviously going to be assigned to me, “Get new gloves, man, you’re going to need them where you’re going.”
For the First Time, the TSA Meets Resistance (via Boing Boing).
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Helt ærligt hvad er det lige man frygter her…De billeder der fremkommer er da totalt ubrugelige til andet end at afsløre våben, sprængstoffer osv..
Nogle mennesker oplever det åbenbart som grænseoverskridende, at scannerne viser et billede af dem uden tøj på for fremmede mennesker. Eftersom folks grænser i det store og hele er, hvad de er, er det problematisk, at den alternative procedure er så -- ja, hvad skal man kalde det …
Men her er et citat fra The Atlantic-artiklen, der linkes til herover:
“A TSA employee in Miami was arrested recently after he physically assaulted a colleague who had mocked his modestly sized penis, which was fully apparent in a captured back-scatter image”.
Det er vel nok til, at nogen ville foretrække at være fri …?