This Indonesian bliver ofte spurgt, hvorfor hun ikke bare rejser hjem, når nu hun er så kritisk over for den måde, udlændinge bliver behandlet på i Danmark.
Hun svarer, at hvis ikke det blot var for hende selv og hendes egne rettigheder efter adskillige år, så har hendes danske mand faktisk boet i landet og betalt skat i rigtig mange år og må have lige så meget ret til at leve her i landet med sin ægtefælle som alle andre danskere.
Og faktisk er der rigeligt at kritisere, mere end de fleste danskere måske gør sig klart:
[People are] almost stripped from their rights to bring their spouse to live here when the questioned spouse doesn’t have a phD title attached to their names.
I have met and heard so many stories where good people got screwed in this country. Take Melissa, for example. She’s lived here for 9 years and got all her rights to obtain a permanent residency, but she couldn’t get it, due to the fact that she hadn’t passed her Danish test yet. It doesn’t matter that she had already documented her medical condition preventing her from finishing her class.
The immigration service dared to send her a permanent residency card and then withdrew it later claiming that they sent it to her by mistake. Now the family is considering to move out from Denmark because they couldn’t just take it anymore, not when the government changes immigration rules every half a year. Nobody would feel safe anymore.
What about Loren Neufeld? The American who simply got kicked out of the country because he missed to renew his residency? He lost his job because he had to go out of Denmark, his Danish wife said that she couldn’t pay her rent alone without him. Basically the family life’s wrecked because of the immigration policy. The wife said that it’d be OK for them to pay a HUGE SUM of fine over their carelessness in the husband’s permit renewal but kicking him out of the country is another thing.
Then there was Brianna, an Australian who had to move out of Denmark with her Danish husband because her family reunification application got rejected due to her under 24-year age.
I have heard so many stories that would make your skin crawl. Good people I know, who came here and wanted nothing but to be with their loved ones and ended up having their lives wrecked by Denmark.
Faktisk er der rimeligt meget at klage over. Hvis en herboende udlænding, som kan se det, fordi hun selv lider under det, gider at bruge sin tid på at gøre opmærksom på det, skulle vi ærligt talt være taknemmelige for det. Der bliver meget at rette op på, når Dansk Folkeparti endelig bliver styrtet fra deres nuværende magtposition.
Link: Why I don’t “just” go back where I came from.
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