Skal vi virkelig tro på, at de selv samme vestlige regeringer, som ikke engang kunne tage sig sammen til at vedtage et mildt rap over fingrene til Israel, da de for et par år siden begik krigsforbrydelser i Gaza, komplet med kemiske våben og overlagte drab på civile, nu bekymrer sig om den humanitære situation i Libyen?
Nej – når det vestlige angreb, som en FN-resolution nu har åbnet for, kommer, vil det kun handle om én ting: Økonomiske interesser.
Som Richard Seymour skriver på Lenin’s Tomb:
The best-case scenario is that people are killed to little avail, and the former regime elements in the transitional leadership have just diverted energies and initiative down a blind alley. I suppose you might object that the best-case scenario is that the air strikes exclusively kill the bad guys, turning the initiative in favour of the revolutionaries, allowing them to sieze power, build a liberal democratic state, and the cavalry heads home. And the band played, ‘Believe it if you like’. Look, I’d like to believe it. I’d also like to believe that Obama is a socialist, Hillary Clinton a feminist, and David Cameron a salesman for unsecured personal loans. But the occasions in which imperialism has directly assisted a revolutionary process are rather infrequent, wouldn’t you say? In fact, I suspect you’d be struggling if I asked you to name one.
I’m also afraid that all the talk about the inaction, delaying, dilly-dallying and procrastination of the ‘international community’, not to mention the demonology about Russia and China obstructing the good guys once again, has played straight into a very familiar war narrative. Just when you’ve uttered your last “but why won’t they DO something?”, just when you’re about to give up and lapse into foul depression, the good guys come to the rescue. It’s like 1941 all over again. There was never any doubt, as far as I’m concerned, that the US would support a no-fly zone if it could be suitably internationalized and involve support from the miserable dictatorships of the Arab League. And no one will be tasteless enough to point out that those very same states are currently butchering their populations with the arms and financial assistance of the imperial powers commanding this coalition of the willing. Because that would just be sour grapes.
Som sagt – jeg vil tro på vestmagternes (herunder Danmarks) humanitære hensigter, når de pålægger det israelske miltær flyveforbud over Gaza og Vestbredden, og når de taler åbent for demokrati i Saudi-Arabien. Indtil da kan talen om “humanitær intervention” aldrig blive andet end hykleri af værste skuffe.
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Er det korrekt forstået at den eneste anke du præsenterer i indlægget er rettet mod vestmagternes motiver?
Er der noget galt med angrebet i sig selv? Alternativt; mener du ikke at der eksisterer et “angrebet i sig selv”?
Jeg mener, at dette er et akut eksempel på syndromet: “Vi må gøre noget. Dette er noget -- lad os gøre det!”
Og ja, det er korrekt, at jeg ikke stoler på de annoncerede motiver. Jeg tror mere, som jeg skrev i et senere indlæg, det handler om, at man gerne vil have en bid af kagen. Hvorfor ellers den larmende tavshed om Saudi-Arabiens indmarch i Bahrain? Det er (eller kunne nemt blive) Libyen om igen, her er vi bare venner med diktatoren.