Udlændingestyrelsens håndtering af sager om ophold i Danmark lader nu kun til at have ét rigtigt fokus: At fortolke reglerne så stramt som muligt, så de kan smide så mange som muligt ud af landet.
Det tyder sagen om Gustavus Aird Murray i hvert fald på:
During a 3 month period of unemployment in 2009, Gus received a minor financial aid (Starthjælp) from Københavns Kommune (ydelseservice) without being informed of any implications hereof. However, Københavns Kommune and the Ministry of Immigration have different interpretation of the rules of financial aid, so Gus was asked to pay back the money in February 2010.
However, much to his and our surprise, he was kicked out of Denmark on July 22nd, 2010 despite having repaid the amount invoiced. The reason? Government departments do not communicate, so no one knew exactly, which monies had been repaid. Gus appealed, and after waiting 8 months, for processing, his case was finalized on April 5th, 2011, at which time he was informed that his appeal had been declined and he now has to leave Denmark by the 1st of May, 2011.
We feel that the treatment, Gus has received, is not only unjust but downright inhumane, and that the verdict is even more ridiculous considering that Gus holds two master’s degrees (one from CBS), has successfully started multiple companies and has had a job contract waiting for him prior to the case opening.
Jeg mener egentlig ikke, at folk skal have en bedre behandling, fordi de er “velfungerende”, har job, god uddannelse, osv. … Men jeg mener, at det er oprørende, at systemet fungerer med sådan et minimum af omtanke og kun med fokus på den strammest mulige tolkning af lovens eksakte bogstav.
Hvad blev der af det rummelige samfund, vi engang ønskede for os selv?
Link: Support Gus!
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