Den danske regering har bedt fem ministerier opgøre, hvad indvandringen “koster” det danske samfund, og embedsmændene parerer ordrer og fabrikerer straks nogle tal, der viser, at især de mørklødede indvandrere koster os en kvart bondegård. Regeringen går herefter ud og proklamerer, at dette til fulde bekræfter den stramme udlændingepolitik.
Det mest underlige ved den historie er vist, at der overhovedet er nogen, der tror på det. Da CEPOS kom ud med tilsvarende tal blev det påpeget, at de fleste med “indvandrerbaggrund” er under 15, hvilket ikke er den aldersgruppe, der bidrager mest til skattehusholdningen. Om tyve år, derimod … Men verden vil bedrages, og i et lille land med et meget ensrettet og til dels statskontrolleret medieudbud kan regeringen ofte slippe afsted med selv den værste manipulation.
Peter Andreas viser på sin blog Downsides of Denmark regeringens retorik frem for, hvad den er:
Government officials from five different ministries have made a report splitting up the income and expenditure into different ethnic groups.No, your eyes do not deceive you. Government officials from five different ministries have actually made a report splitting up the income and expenditure into different ethnic groups. According to this report “immigrants and descendants from less developed countries” (Danish new-speak for ‘Muslims’) “constitute 15 billion kroner in expenses for Danish society” whereas “immigrants and descendants from more developed countries” (Danish new-speak for ‘everyone other than Muslims’) “constitute 2 billion kroner in earnings for the Danish society”.
Now, if I really – I mean REALLY – extend my lenience to include some sort of sense in making this account, I would conclude from it that Denmark has been failing totally in absorbing Muslim immigrants into the labour market, since paying taxes from wages is the most efficient way to contribute income to a society.
But that’s not the conclusion the Danes are deriving from this arithmetical problem. According to the Minister for Refugee, Immigration and Integration Affairs, Søren Pind, (I’ll explain the ‘ø’ in a later post) we should use this report to conclude that “It is not inconsequential which people arrive in our country. I have no scruples about introducing additional immigration barriers to those who we can suspect of intention to lay burdens on Danish society.” According to today’s newspapers, a substantial majority of MPs agree. The spokesman on the subject from the leading opposition party, Henrik Dam Kristensen even “welcomes the initiatives.”
I’ve always intentionally avoided using the word ‘racism’ here on Downsides of Denmark because calling anyone a racist stops a potentially fruitful dialogue instantly. But there are no other words to describe this attitude.
Peter Andreas observerer, at “Danes have finally fallen over the ledge and gone from casual racism to government-sponsored racism”. Og måske han virkelig har ret i, at der fra dette skridt ikke er nogen vej tilbage. Jeg håber ikke, han ender med at få ret. Men jeg forstår godt, hvorfor han har skrevet sit indlæg under overskriften: “It’s too late for the Danes“.
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