Den baskiske separatist- og terrorbevægelse ETA har opløst sig selv – besejret af den spanske stat, den bekæmpede, og en baskisk befolkning, der ikke vil vide af den.

Jeg har en masse meninger om dette, men ikke så meget igen at have dem i. Jeg vil i stedet citere Luistxo Fernández, der med base i Donostia (San Sebastián) er helt anderledes tæt på:

So, ETA ended its war. The ergative energy worked. Even Tony Blair had something prepared for the occasion, though he couldn’t come to town. Fresh air in the city. A sense of relief for almost everybody, that’s what I feel among the Basques. Lots of interesting analysis and posts have been written over the last days, and one feature in common among those that are most interesting (imho) is that they’ve been written from a personal point of view. I have some examples in Spanish at hand, if you can read the language: Juan Carlos Etxeberria, Mitxel Ezkiaga and Ander Iza. (3 journalists).

I feel like I could also write from that perspective, ’cause this also has affected my life (I’m 44). But I’m not in the mood. There will be pieces from our lives that won’t be written.

Will I or my two children see an independent Basque Country some day? I want that to happen. The defeat of ETA was a prerequisite for that, I believe.

Some newspapers, this friday. A photo that had to be taken long ago, by a fine Basque photographer, Juan González Andrés, El Humilde Fotero del Pánico.

Et paradoks, men Luistxo har uden tvivl ret: ETAs undergang var en forudsætning for, at Baskerlandet kan blive uafhængigt. Vil det så ske? Who knows – den form for nationalisme er måske lidt gammeldags i vores globaliserede verden, men det ser uden tvivl anderledes ud i en trængt kultur som den baskiske eller walisiske for at nævne to oplagte eksempler.

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