Dette er en intens, underholdende og i grunden ret trist film om grundlæggerne af The Pirate Bay og den retssag, de tabte for godt et år siden med fængselsdomme og erstatninger i millionklassen til følge. Du kan se filmen på YouTube som herover, eller du kan downloade en torrent fra Pirate Bay. Bemærk, at den sidste mulighed er fulgt lovlig, da filmens ophavsmand selv ønsker den spredt på denne måde.

Bemærk også, at selve hjemmesiden The Pirate Bay fortsætter for fuld styrke, selv om den altså foreløbig har kostet sine grundlæggere både fængsel og økonomisk ruin. Man aner, som talsmanden Peter Sunde observerer et sted i filmen, måske kimen til en sejr i det, som foreløbig er endt med et juridisk nederlag.

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2 thoughts on “TPB:AFK”

  1. Lidt ærgerligt at filmen ikke rigtig kommer i dybden med noget som helst. Der er for lidt om de juridiske omstændigheder, for lidt om de anklagedes syn på fildeling, men til gengæld alt for meget flue-på-væggen-footages, der forsøger at give et billede af de tre fyre som privatpersoner.

  2. Peter Sunde, som er tidligere talsmand for Pirate Bay, er heller ikke helt tilfreds:

    “During the past years most of the things we’ve done has been fun. Even the court case(s) has to some extent been filled with humour and playfulness. Today I read some peoples reviews of the movie where one had the view that we went from being confident to being depressed and that we felt that noone cared. There’s no single truth to that. Working with TPB was always filled with enormous support and friendship. Even today, when I go to a place and someone recognises me, they are always happy and tell me stories of how TPB changed their lives to the better.

    There are some scenes in the movie that I don’t like at all. One is a scene where I’m seriously sick with the flu, sweating like a pig, but the editing made it look like I’m nervous rather than physically sick. Another is a scene where Fredrik is joking about noone caring about us anymore because the new verdict is not on the frontpage of BBC and CNN. The scene is cut in a way that, combined with the tone of the rest of the movie, it feels like Fredrik really means that. If you know Fredrik you know it’s his way of joking – more actually feeling proud of how much people actually cared. A few minutes later, the verdict was actually on BBCs frontpage, which we were expecting. It’s just how big TPB is and how much people care about it.

    I also don’t like what the movie focuses on. It’s focused on the trials, which for me is a really small part of everything. I know that Simon has huuuuuge amounts of film that I’d prefer to have in the movie instead – more focused on happy people, lots of support from people all over the world. But I understand that because of the enormous amount of footage, most has to be cut. And there has to be some focus. Simon and his editor chose the things that I personally would have cut out. It’s not really TPB AFK, it’s TPB – The boring trials.”

    Han ville dog, som det fremgår, helst have været i en helt tredje retning.

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