Endnu en familie smides ud af landet

Vi lever stadig med den kuldegysnende effekt af ti år med en regering, der gjorde hvad den kunne for at gøre det svært at være udlænding i dette land. “Kuldegysnende” er desværre det rette ord. Anders Jenbo og Anna Christine Stinson har fået besked på at forlade landet, da deres ansøgning om familiesammenføring er afvist. Udlændingestyrelsen har generøst givet dem hele ni dage til at pakke deres ting.

Læs selv Anders og Christines beretning på Facebook:

Støt Anders og Christine!Help – my wife will be deported

Sunday, March 17, 2013 my American wife and I received a letter from the Danish Immigration Service stating that they had rejected our application for family reunification. The only reason for the refusal was that in early 2011 I (Anders) borrowed 15,000DKK (roughly 2,600 USD) from the municipality. The reason for this loan was that my former employer had refused to pay my salary for several months, my savings were exhausted and even though my union had pulled me out of the workplace, I was technically not unemployed. Therefore I could not receive compensation from my unemployment insurance. I am in the process of paying off the loan and have offered to pay the remaining amount instantly.

My wife has been ordered to leave Denmark by Tuesday, March 26, 2013. The Immigration Service added in the letter that we should live our family life in the United States, as this would not be associated with “insurmountable obstacles”. My wife has lived in Denmark for over 2 years and has neither a home nor a job in the United States. I own an apartment and have a solid, full time job here in Denmark. Neither of those things are something you just get rid of on a weeks notice. We would also have to readjust to life in the United States and be separeted from family and friends here at home. We therefore appeal for your support.

Thank you and Kind Regards,
Anders Jenbo & Anna Christine Stinson

Hjælp – min kone bliver udvist

Søndag d. 17.3.13 modtog min amerikanske kone og jeg et brev fra Udlændingestyrelsen om, at de har afvist vores ansøgning om familiesammenføring. De stiller som eneste grund, at jeg i starten af 2011 lånte 15.000,- af kommunen. Årsagen til dette lån var, at min daværende arbejdsgiver havde ladet min løn udeblive i flere måneder, min opsparing var opbrugt og selvom min fagforening havde trukket mig ud var jeg teknisk set ikke arbejdsløs og kunne derfor ikke få penge udbetalt fra min a-kasse. Jeg er i fuld gang med at afbetale lånet og har tilbudt at betale hele restbeløbet med det samme.

Min kone har til på tirsdag d. 26.3.2013 til at forlade landet, og de tilføjer, at vi i stedet kan udøve familielivet i USA, da dette ikke vil være forbundet med “uoverstigelig hindringer”. Min kone har boet i Danmark i over 2 år, har hverken hjem eller job i USA, jeg har ejerlejlighed og fast arbejde her i Danmark hvilket begge ikke lige er noget man sådan skaffer sig af med på en uge, for slet ikke at tale om, at omlægge sig til amerikanske forhold og være adskilt fra familie og venner her i Danmark. Vi appellerer derfor til jeres støtte.

Mvh og tak
Anders Jenbo og Anna Christine Stinson

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3 thoughts on “Endnu en familie smides ud af landet”

  1. I don’t think it is the result of the old government unless it’s because some office workers happen to have been political appointments from that regime, still seeking to effect a policy of exclusion. The present government entered in to agreements with Enhedslisten within two weeks of having been elected -- meaning that they met at a time when they were all burnt out from running campaigns and from celebrating their wins -- and considered it their “best work” in that they established their new immigration policy. When my Danish husband wrote to Radikale to point out problems that were not addressed, he was told, in writing, that this plan would not likely be altered (despite that the email response was in February and the final vote on the actual immigration legislation took place in June, four months later). My own email to the same Zenia politition, me being a foreigner, went unanswered -- as did my detailed legal submission through the Danish democratic system, as guided by the office for the committee addressing immigration -- except by Enhedslisten. Subsequent correspondence with them resulted in my being advised basically “sorry but this is all we can do -- we have to vote for the legislation as it is”. NOPE -- this is the current administration’s doing. It is the Danish peoples’ choice to sacrifice some of their own for the apparently greater purpose of keeping the bloodlines 90% pure.

    Until these facts are addressed, the problem will continue to feed random bi-cultural families to the lions.

  2. I agree that it’s the current administration’s responsibility.

    But the ten years of the previous government created a discourse which engulfed nearly everybody in politics, in which nobody dared be “soft on foreigners”. This especially affected S and SF who really caved in and copied DF in many regards. So the rules of the previous haven’t been relaxed. AND the very hostile climate during the VKO years (this at least has improved a little) created a culture of rejection in Udlændingestyrelsen. That’s one of the most vile and insidious aspects of Danish policy towards foreigners, and this evil culture of “deport first, questions afterward” has NOT been improved. Karen Hækkerup could have done something about that, but obviously she hasn’t.

  3. What Danish Immigratinhas actuallytold Jens, by the sending of that letter and its wording, is thathe must give up his birthright Danish citizenship because he dared to marry an American. Once he s gone form Denmark 6 months and 1 day, he loses all his Danish rights and faces loss of his citizenship. That Danish Immigration says they should move to the USA to avoid”insurmountable obstacles” means the Danish Immigration service itself intends to purposely be THE insurmountable obstacle and harass them until they leave Denmark. This should be illegal. But it is under the Ministry of Justice so nothing so that is the Ministry orchestrating this injustice and abuse.

    The Undlændingeservice personnel shifts to another room and put on another hat and call themselves the Udlændingnævnet (Immigration Appeals) and Flytningnævnet (Refugee Appeals) when you write an appeal to a decision, and simply confirm the decision they made in the other room. It is a policy of discrimination, exclusion, harassment and illegal moves that most people do not fight because they do not know they can.

    But once the TV2 interview comes out today or tomorrow, Danish Immigration will want to hide their dirty deeds so they will grant a stay while they “review” the case (meaning crap in their pants behind doors and be forced to do what is right).

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