Sangen blev oprindelig kendt med Edith Piaf tilbage i 1946, men er her i en moderne akustisk udgave.
Se også: Zaz à Montmarte
Kultur, natur og modstand
Sangen blev oprindelig kendt med Edith Piaf tilbage i 1946, men er her i en moderne akustisk udgave.
Se også: Zaz à Montmarte
Citeret i Jyllands-Posten, 2.10.2011:
Egentligt syntes vi dengang, at børnene skulle lave noget andet end at se fjernsyn, og vi havde flere seriøse samtaler om, at vi havde for mange seere. Derfor skulle der lægges noget hjerteblod i det, hvis børnene endelig skulle se med.
Alle ballademagerne er dog i uniform. Mr. Obama, this happened on your watch. Not holding my breath, though.
“There’s a Rodney King every day in this country, and black America has always known that.”
Hvilket rejser et andet, vigtigt spørgsmål: Hvorfor har Danmarks Radio ikke nogen kritiske journalister som denne Lawrence O’Donnell?
Billede, tusind ord, mere end, siger.
Jews for Justice for Palestinians. Se også Jewish Voice for Peace.
Ikke mine ord, men læs denne artikel af Luis Falcón:
You write Free Software because you want to contribute to the community. It’s an act of social activism. It’s about sharing and helping out.
This April I got a mail from Chris Larsen, a doctor working in Rwanda, where he was asking OpenERP the scripts to upgrade to 6.x, since they needed to have the latest Medical version. The response he got was that the scripts were not publicly available anymore. If they wanted to upgrade, they would have to pay a support contract to OpenERP. This is the typical example of a vendor lock-in. They change the rules (even the license) and then the user becomes their prisoner.
That very same day I started the implementation of GNU Health (previously called “medical”) in the Tryton platform. Believe me, this was frustrating and it meant a lot of work, but I had to guarantee the future for the health centers.
That effort paid off. Today Health (GNU Health) is an official GNU package (, the United Nations University has adopted it, and everyday health centers are downloading it from the GNU official site. Obviously, the GNU Health version that today is an official GNU package runs under Tryton, a community-based project.
I just got an email today that a health center in RDC ( Democratic Republic of Congo ) after testing the functionality, will be using GNU Health under Tryton.
Open Source has become the refuge for some speculators, who apply digital lock-ins, by, for example, not releasing the upgrade scripts. This is not fair. It’s not ethical. It’s not thinking about the community. It’s being selfish and greedy. Lastly, it’s not respecting the underlying software.
OpenERP and Tryton need Python, Postgresql and GNU/Linux. If Python or Postgresql would impose a support contract fee to be able to upgrade, they would not exist. So, none of us have the right to break the evolution chain.
So, a word of advice . Make sure you use Free Software. This is more than just a license. They should be community-based projects.
Link: Free Software versus Open Source (via Linux-News).
Yo der er valg snart
Og det’ om Danmark,
De sidste 10 år er vores land kun faldet i standard
Og glem deres tabeller, man kan se det selv,
Nu går jeg ind i den boks og stemmer E til det L
For jeg er træt af politikernes polemik,
Træt af en løgn gentaget nok er blevet til politik
Så at stemme Ø, er mig ikke et dilemma
For det’ min hjerne og mit hjerte, der går sammen og stemmer
For mit, blod det rødt, og mit hjerte til venstre,
Det venstre, der stadig føler kærlighed til mennesker
De mennesker — det et faktum, danner ryggen i vores samfund,
Men som bliver behandlet som afskum…
Interview med den egyptiske akademiker og aktivist Rabab El-Mahdi, der forklarer om den fortsatte egyptiske revolution og maner et par myter i jorden – for eksempel, at det var noget, der kom uventet, eller at der på nogen måde var tale om en “facebook-” eller “twitter”-revolution.
Dagpengeland (pilot-afsnit) from Monday Production on Vimeo.
En pilot for en TV-serie baseret på en hjemmeside og bog, der meget godt demonstrerer, hvor meget ondt en stakkels jobsøger virkelig skal gå igennem.
Stem enerne ind, og nullerne ud. Valgvideo af Rune Engelbreth – se også her.
Dave Barry, i hans bog The Taming of the Screw:
Electricity is actually made up of extremely tiny particles, called electrons, that you cannot see with the naked eye unless you have been drinking. Electrons travel at the speed of light, which in most American homes is 110 volts per hour. This is very fast. In the time it has taken you to read this sentence so far, an electron could have traveled all the way from San Francisco to Hackensack, New Jersey, although God alone knows why it would want to.
The five main kinds of electricity are alternating current, direct current, lightning, static, and European. Most American homes have alternating current, which means that the electricity goes in one direction for a while, then goes in the other direction. This prevents harmful electron buildup in the wires.