Alan Moore om crowdfunding, overvågning og Internet


I remember watching “Fall Out,” that final episode of “The Prisoner,” on I think a Wednesday night when I was around 13. And I can remember that scene where the whole series seems to break down into an absurdist collage. Where McGoohan’s Number Six finally confronts the mysterious Number One, who has been unseen throughout the series but is now a hooded figure. McGoohan pulls off his hood and there is a crude, rubber ape mask underneath. McGoohan pulls off the ape mask, and there is Patrick McGoohan underneath, laughing maniacally. Even at the age of 13, I dimly remember what that meant, that moment when he reveals that they are the same. It was answering the question, “Who is the one who restricts us and makes us all prisoners?” And I think McGoohan’s answer to that was incredibly liberating. It’s us, isn’t it?

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Kunstens (eller bedømmelsesudvalgets) forfald

Det er et slående faktum og siger en hel del om tilstanden i moderne kunst – og ikke mindst om det bedømmelsesudvalg, der står bag Sculpture by the Sea – at Tall Ships Races faktisk har et  langt stærkere visuelt udtryk.

Status for moderne skulpturkunst (og i hvert fald den, der kommer her til Århus) er altså, at den ikke kan hamle op med sejlskibe af træ. Det er da ærligt talt sørgeligt.

Game of Thrones

Jeg har nu set de første seks afsnit af TV-serien “Game of Thrones”, og det har været en god investering af min tid. Faktisk er det den bedste TV-serie, jeg har set, siden jeg så de fire første sæsoner af LOST (jeg er ikke begejstret for dennes slutning), som den foreløbig ser ud til at overgå. Foreløbig ser det ud til at kunne blive den bedste af de “nye” amerikanske TV-serier, og det siger faktisk ikke så lidt, med præstationer som LOST og THE WIRE og BREAKING BAD at holde den op mod. Go see.

Jeff Jones er død (1944-2011)

Jeff Jones: Idyl
Jeff Jones: Idyl

Den banebrydende tegneserieskaber og kunstner Jeffrey Catherine Jones er død. Hun blev 67 år. Som Mark Frauenfelder skriver på Boing Boing:

I was sad to learn that one of my favorite illustrators, Jeffrey Catherine Jones, died today. I first came across her work in the 1970s when she was doing a regular one page comic strip for National Lampoon called Idyl. It was light hearted and whimsical and nothing like the rest of the magazine.

Idyl var en af mine egne yndlingstegneserier, indtil jeg lånte albummet ud og aldrig fik det tilbage. Men sådan kan det jo gå. Hvil i fred, Jeff Jones.

Jeff Jones, death

Aisha Fukushima: Leave on the Light

En sang inspireret af irakerne i Brorsons Kirke.

Fra beskrivelsen på YouTube:

A collaborative song by Aisha Fukushima and the Glendorf Brothers. “Leave on the Light” is inspired by the experiences of Iraqi asylum seekers who were in sanctuary at Brorsons Church in Copenhagen, Denmark.

Aisha sings the chorus and raps the second verse in English. Mads Glendorf raps the first and third verses in Danish. His brother, Rasmus Glendorf, made the instrumental.

Follow the progress of Aisha Fukushima’s international hip hop project “RAPTIVISM” at:

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