Medierne og deres løgne

Hvad jeg kan sige om dette er måske ikke så interessant – så jeg giver jer Lewis Lapham, mangeårig redaktør af Harper’s Magazine:

On television the voices of dissent can’t be counted upon to match the studio drapes or serve as tasteful lead-ins to the advertisements for Pantene Pro-V and the U.S. Marine Corps. What we now know as the “news media” serve at the pleasure of the corporate sponsor, their purpose not to tell truth to the powerful but to transmit lies to the powerless. Like Russert, who served his apprenticeship as an aide-de-camp to the late Senator Daniel Patrick Moynihan, most of the prominent figures in the Washington press corps (among them George Stephanopoulos, Bob Woodward, and Karl Rove) began their careers as bagmen in the employ of a dissembling politician or a corrupt legislature. Regarding themselves as de facto members of government, enabling and codependent, their point of view is that of the country’s landlords, their practice equivalent to what is known among Wall Street stock-market touts as “securitizing the junk.” When requesting explanations from secretaries of defense or congressional committee chairmen, they do so with the understanding that any explanation will do. Explain to us, my captain, why the United States must go to war in Iraq, and we will relay the message to the American people in words of one or two syllables. Instruct us, Mr. Chairman, in the reasons why K-Street lobbyists produce the paper that Congress passes into law, and we will show that the reasons are healthy, wealthy, and wise. Do not be frightened by our pretending to be suspicious or scornful. Together with the television camera that sees but doesn’t think, we’re here to watch, to fall in with your whims and approve your injustices. Give us this day our daily bread, and we will hide your vices in the rosebushes of salacious gossip and clothe your crimes in the aura of inspirational anecdote.

Link: Elegy for a rubber stamp (via Glenn Greenwald)

Bush fortryder krigen i Irak

Æd den, Anders Fogh Rasmussen og Per Stig Møller:

USA’s snart forhenværende præsident, George Bush, afslørede i et interview med Charles Gibson på ABC news, hvad han fortryder mest i sin tid som præsident.

– Det værste i min tid som præsident er, at jeg stolede på efterretningerne om Irak. Mange menneskers gode ry blev sat på spil, fordi vi fjernede Saddam Hussein på grund af efterretningerne om masseødelæggelsesvåben.

Det kan ikke gøres om, men jeg ville ønske, at det havde været anderledes, tror jeg nok, sagde Bush.

Skal vi nu vente, at Anders Fogh og de forsamlede høge fra Venstre, Konservative og Dansk Folkeparti, træder frem og giver USAs præsident ret i, at krigen var en fejltagelse?

“Undskyld” ville vel efterhånden også være på sin plads – ikke til os, men til alle de irakere, der har mistet deres nærmeste eller fået smadret deres tilværelse af krigen, og til de danske soldater, der har givet eller risikeret liv og førlighed for denne miserable fiasko.

Link: Bush fortryder invasionen af Irak (