24-års-reglen og menneskerettighederne

See you in Malmø!

Som om 24-års-reglen ikke var slem nok, foreslår Lars Løkke nu at “opbløde” den – med et pointsystem:

»24-års-reglen skal udbygges med en pointsystem og et skærpet tilknytningskrav. Point for uddannelse. Point for sprog. Og point for erhvervsaktivitet. Og hvis pointene er høje nok, skal kravet om de 24 år ikke spænde ben«, siger Lars Løkke Rasmussen.

Andre må derimod indse, at de ikke kan komme til Danmark, selv om de er 24 år.

»For nogle kan det være lige meget, om de er langt over 24 år. De skal bare ikke ind, hvis de udelukkende kommer for at ligge det danske samfund til last«, siger Lars Løkke Rasmussen.

Her er første del af artikel 16 fra FNs verdenserklæring om menneskerettigheder:

1) Uden begrænsninger af racemæssige, nationalitetsmæssige eller religiøse grunde har mænd og kvinder, der har nået myndighedsalderen, ret til at gifte sig og at stifte familie. De har krav på lige rettigheder med hensyn til indgåelse af ægteskab, under ægteskabet og ved dettes opløsning.

At gifte sig og stifte familie, herunder at praktisere sit familieliv, er altså ikke bare ganske naturligt, det er defineret som en menneskeret. 24-års-reglen strider allerede mod menneskerettighederne, men med bemærkningen om, at de mennesker, som ifølge Løkke og hans smagsdommere “bare ikke skal ind”, siger Danmark da helt farvel til enhver forestilling om menneskerettigheder – i hvert fald på det punkt.

Gamle kort over den civiliserede verden må vist efterhånden udleveres med en saks, så Danmark kan klippes ud af den. Ligesom vi allerede er smidt ud af Skandinavien.

Billede: OneLiners4DK

Abbas-regimets tortur

Hvad skal man mene om Mahmoud Abbas, den israelske regerings “fredspartner”, som efter balladen for nogle år siden vippede Hamas-regeringen af pinden på Vestbredden?

Vel, naboerne til et han hans fængsler klager nu over, at de ikke kan sove om natten på grund af skrigene fra fanger, der bliver torteret i det fængsel, Abbas’ styrker kører i kvarteret:

A number of residents of al-Jabryat neighborhood in Jenin complained that they can no longer bear hearing the cries of prisoners being tortured in a neighboring prison that is run by the General Intelligence of Mahmoud Abbas.

Local residents said that a number of residents have actually moved out of the neighborhood because they could not sleep at night hearing those cries, saying that as the prisoners were being physically tortured in the said prison, they were being psychologically tortured.

“We cannot sleep at night because of the cries of the Hamas detainees. We have been like this for the past two years and everyday we say this problem will end tomorrow, but it seems this story is going take long,” said one of the residents of the neighborhood.

He also pointed out that the prices of property in the area around the General Intelligence headquarters have plummeted as a result.

Jeg tror godt, vi kan blive enige om, at der er et problem. Palæstina kan føje sig til den meget lange liste af arabiske lande, der formelig skriger på forandringer i det politiske liv. I dette tilfælde ville en mere åben og demokratisk regering jo nok desværre betyde en præsident, der er mindre velvilligt underdanig  overfor Israel, og som derfor vil være uspiselig for “verdenssamfundet”, der ikke synes på vej til at fravige princippet om, at Israel har carte blanche til alt.

Vel, måske med den nye regering  i USA … men vi skal nok ikke holde vejret.

Link: Residents of al-Jbaryat: we cannot sleep because of the cries of prisoners in PA (via Angry Arab)(Link fjernet, da det er overtaget af et kviklånsfirma)

Iranske dissidenter i fængsel – takket være Nokia og Siemens

Tænk på dette, næste gang du køber en Nokia-telefon eller en Fujitsu Siemens-computer. Begge firmaer tjener med største fornøjelse millioner på at levere overvågningsudstyr til et regime, der bruger det til at sætte folk, der siger deres mening eller organiserer protester, i fængsel:

Nokia Siemens Networks (NSN), a joint venture between the Finnish cell-phone giant Nokia and German powerhouse Siemens, delivered what is known as a monitoring center to Irantelecom, Iran’s state-owned telephone company.

A spokesman for NSN said the servers were sold for “lawful intercept functionality,” a technical term used by the cell-phone industry to refer to law enforcement’s ability to tap phones, read e-mails and surveil electronic data on communications networks.

In Iran, a country that frequently jails dissidents and where regime opponents rely heavily on Web-based communication with the outside world, a monitoring center that can archive these intercepts could provide a valuable tool to intensify repression.(…)

Ben Roome, a spokesman for NSN, said, “We provide these systems to be used under the applicable laws in their countries and make sure we are abiding by U.N. and [European Union] export regulations and code of conduct. We provided the monitoring center to Irantelecom. We are not going to comment on the use of it. It is there to record lawful intercepts.”

But William Daly, a former CIA signal-intelligence officer for the agency’s Office of Science and Technology who retired in 2000, said the monitoring center in Iran will be used to “monitor dissidents and those ayatollahs who oppose the Supreme Leader [Ayatollah Ali Khamenei].” (…)

Mohsen Sazegara, a founder of Iran’s Revolutionary Guards who became a democracy advocate and was arrested in 2003 for his opposition to the Islamic republic, said there were rumors in Iranian opposition circles that the Germans had sold the state powerful new technology that would make their monitoring efforts more effective.

“My first reaction is, ‘Wow! Why do they do this?’ Don’t they know that this will be used against the people of Iran?” said Mr. Sazegara, who now lives in the United States.

“They facilitate a regime which easily violates human rights in Iran and the privacy of the people of Iran. They have facilitated the regime with a high technology that allows them to monitor every student activist, every women’s rights activist, every labor activist and every ordinary person.”

Update, 23/6 kl. 21.30: Politiken har nu også historien (25 timer efter modspil.dk 🙂 )

Link: Fed contractor, cell phone maker sold spy system to Iran

Menneskerettigheder i det frie, demokratiske Irak

Et samfund skal som bekendt måles på, hvordan det behandler sine oprørere, sine afvigere og sine modstandere.

Så hvad sker der, hvis man i Irak kaster sko efter George W. Bush? Ideelt set kunne man forestille sig, at vedkommende blev anholdt, visiteret og afhørt med henblik på at få klarlagt, om han evt. skulle have været i besiddelse af ting, der kunne tyde på, han var til større fare – f.eks. våben. Når afhøringen er afsluttet ville det være tid til at løslade ham med en advarsel, evt. med mulighed for sigtelse for forstyrrelse af den offentlige orden eller lignende.

Yeah right:

Some of my contacts in Baghdad assured me that the Iraqi Journalist who threw the shoes at bush today was heavily beaten (you can actually hear him scream in pain in this released video)

After beating him, the Iraqi authorities arrested Mr. Al-Zeidi. Here is a statement issued by Al-Baghdadia (the TV channel he works with):

(rough translation)

Al Baghdadia asks the Iraqi authorities to immediately release our employee Montather Al-Zeidi in line with the Iraqi and US promises of democracy and freedom of expression. Any action taken against Montather Al-Zeidi will remind us of the behavior we experienced during the time of the dictatorship era that when we witnessed violence, arbitrary arrests, mass graves and the confiscation of public freedoms and private.

We also call for press and media institutions and the Arab world to stand in solidarity with Montather Al-Zeidi and call for his release.

(end translation)

I started an online petition to ask for the immediate release of Montather. Please visit and sign it here. I’ll print the petition and hand it over to the Iraqi embassy in DC in case he was not released this week.

Klik her for at skrive under på at Montather skal løslades!

Som der står herover, vil underskrifterne blive afleveret til den irakiske ambassade i Washington DC.  Selveste Noam Chomsky har allerede skrevet under, så hvad venter du på?

USA – torturens spydspids

Leftist scumbag Andrew Sullivan opsummerer, hvordan USA nu står i spidsen for torturens globale revival:

A new survey of global public opinion [PDF] reveals the appalling truth. Americans are now among the people on earth most supportive of government’s torturing prisoners. The United States is in the same public opinion ballpark as some of the most disgusting regimes on the planet:

Support for the unequivocal position was highest in Spain (82%), Great Britain (82%) and France (82%), followed by Mexico (73%), China (66%), the Palestinian territories (66%), Poland (62%), Indonesia (61%), and the Ukraine (59%).   In five countries either modest majorities or pluralities support a ban on all torture:  Azerbaijan (54%), Egypt (54%), the United States (53%), Russia (49%), and Iran (43%).  South Koreans are divided.

So America’s peers in the fight against torture, in terms of public opinion are Azerbaijan, Egypt, Russia, and Iran. This is what America now is: a country with the moral values of countries that routinely torture and abuse prisoners, like Egypt and Iran.

Gad vide om diverse Hollywoodfilm af den slags, hvor den heltemodige cop tæver det levende dagslys ud af skurke, som herefter straks kryber til korset, spiller ind – jeg holder selv meget af Hollywood-film, men har det ikke altid helt godt med den konstante legitimering af politivold.

Eftersom tortur stort set altid rammer folk, som senere viser sig at være uskyldige, er det i alle tilfælde knap så hensigtsmæssigt; er voldelige overgreb virkelig altid helt fjong, når bare de bliver begået af folk i uniform?

Sully runder af:

The only other countries where support for torturing terror suspects has grown are India, Nigeria, Turkey, South Korea and Egypt. In all other developed countries, support for an absolute ban on torture has actually risen in the past two years. America is now leading the way in legitimizing and celebrating torture as a legitimate tool for governments.

This is the Bush-Cheney legacy – to be continued under McCain-Palin. McCain was once a torture victim, but since 2006 has supported the torture of prisoners by the CIA. In fact, prisoners across the world who have been tortured by the CIA in the last two years can, in the terror of their cells, know that John McCain made it possible, by caving into the war criminals in the White House in 2006.

How can the country that pioneered the Geneva Conventions now be a nation more supportive of torture than any other developed nation on earth? Of course, it matters that we have had a president and vice-president actively endorsing and campaigning for the use of torture, and torturing prisoners routinely in jails where there is no escape and no due process. But the key segment of the pro-torture enthusiasts are evangelical Christians. Yes: evangelical Christians are now the greatest supporters of doing to prisoners what was once done to Christ.

Det er dem, vi følger som en hund sin herre: de torterende, krigsførende amerikanere og deres gale kristne evangelister. Men selvfølgelig holder vi dem skarpt op på vore egne standarder for menneskerettigheder! – der er endda set eksempler på, at CIA-hold er blevet nægtet kaffe, når de tanker op  i Kastrup  på vejen fra Guantanamo til Damaskus.

Se blot, hvordan vor egen standhaftige Fogh viser den frie verdens leder, hvor skabet skal stå.