Dansk Folkeparti kræver nu, at 24-års-reglen bliver lavet om til en 28-års-regel – ingen familiesammenføring med ægtefælle, med mindre begge parter er over 28 – og mener, at regeringen umuligt kan afvise kravet, når nu de lige har stemt for regeringens “genopretningsplan“. Heraf kan man jo i hvert fald konkludere, at Dansk Folkeparti altså ikke selv troede på genopretningsplanens påstået gavnlige virkninger, for hvis de havde gjort det, ville de selvfølgelig have stemt på den uden at forlange noget til gengæld. Det påstod de ellers dengang, at de gjorde …
Men får DF så deres vilje – kommer det til at gå glat igennem også denne gang? Vi vil ignorere kynikerne på bagerste række og i stedet se på de hårde og kolde fakta. Babsalicious rapporterer:
After all, Denmark is really similar to most other non muslim lands isn’t it? We are all the same non muslims aren’t we? And we all eat pig. Let’s face it. Theres a desirable foreigner (one who will slot into what is Dannish) and there is the undesirable foreigner, who won’t.
And we all know what the dirty foreigners do don’t we? They rape their young daughters and marry them off to their uncles who circumcise them with rusty tins and bottle tops. This is the way of the dusky dirty foreigner who won’t gobble our pork scented demands OR get the Danish flag tattoed on the asses of themselves and/or offspring. To curb this dirty foreign influx, and in the name of the Righteous Fight against Terror in Afghanistan and the disease of Muslim Horror threatening to burn down Fastelavn and JUL, we shall have the laws tightened, and one of the best ways to do this is to hit them where it hurts, in the dirty foreigners organized crime of arranged marriage.
I digress.
Kristits Thickhead Dahl Weinerbrain of the DFP is quoted as saying, and i restrain myself by translating it word for word because the DFP are transparent and basic, he says:
“The ’24 Years Law’ has had a collosal positive effect against forced marriage and arranged marriages. It will, therefore, be natural to open up to a 28 year ruling, so we can reap the rewards to an even higher level.” Says Kristits Thickhead Dahl Weinerbrain of the DFP.
At the same time, Kristits Thickhead Dahl Weinerbrain of the DFP, made it clear that the rest of the poxy Danish government cannot say no to the demands because the DFP, just a few months ago, gave their Danish government buddies a really long hard suck on the knob of the ‘Economic Recovery Package.’
“We bent over for you, and made like we LIKED it, now you give us a bit of that Danejuice what we like back!” Say The DFP, or words to that effect.
“Something for something.” Said Kristits Thickhead Dahl Weinerbrain of the DFP. (ACTUAL QUOTE).
Det kan godt være, at Kristen Pulesen Gahl ikke udtrykte det helt så firkantet, men vi ved jo godt, at det er, hvad det kan koges ned til. DF lod regeringen og dens rige venner gøre det, de ville, og nu kræver de så deres betaling. Jeg tror egentlig gerne snart jeg vil vågne op, så jeg kan prøve et nyt mareridt i stedet.