Aisha Fukushima: Leave on the Light

En sang inspireret af irakerne i Brorsons Kirke.

Fra beskrivelsen på YouTube:

A collaborative song by Aisha Fukushima and the Glendorf Brothers. “Leave on the Light” is inspired by the experiences of Iraqi asylum seekers who were in sanctuary at Brorsons Church in Copenhagen, Denmark.

Aisha sings the chorus and raps the second verse in English. Mads Glendorf raps the first and third verses in Danish. His brother, Rasmus Glendorf, made the instrumental.

Follow the progress of Aisha Fukushima’s international hip hop project “RAPTIVISM” at:

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Monty Python og fri kultur – en succeshistorie

Kan man tjene penge på at forære sit arbejde væk? Tilsyneladende kan man godt, noterer Times Onlines Tech Blog:

Fed up with being “ripped off” by the hours of illegal clips of their shows on YouTube, they put up a selection of their classic clips.

In a launch video, the Monty Python team said: “We know who you are, we know where you live and we could come after you in ways too horrible to tell. But being the extraordinarily nice chaps we are, we’ve figured a better way to get our own back: We’ve launched our own Monty Python channel on YouTube.

“But we want something in return. None of your drivelling, mindless comments. Instead, we want you to click on the links, buy our movies & TV shows and soften our pain and disgust at being ripped off all these years.”

I know that Python, with its legion of passionate fans, may be an extreme case, but thousands of people did exactly what they were told, clicked on the link to Amazon and bought the videos. The YouTube blog noted:

“When Monty Python launched their channel in November, not only did their YouTube videos shoot to the top of the most viewed lists, but their DVDs also quickly climbed to No. 2 on Amazon’s Movies & TV bestsellers list, with increased sales of 23,000 per cent.”

In other words, Monty Python gave away some content for free and made a pile of money. Food for thought.

Link: The Holy Grail of free content on the web

YouTube bortcensurerer video om Dansk Folkeparti

Rune Engelbreth Larsen og Jacob Holdts filmklip om Dansk Folkeparti, som vi bragte forleden, er blevet bortcensureret af YouTube.

Engelbreth meddeler selv, at de ikke har fået anden forklaring på sletningen, end at den er “disabled for violation of the YouTube Community Guidelines”. Det er svært at frigøre sig for mistanken om, at de simpelt hen har modtaget klager fra personer, der ikke sympatisører med filmens politiske budskab. I alle tilfælde er sagen et klart eksempel på den risikable centralisering i Web 2.0-fænomenet, som vi før har skrevet om – hvis noget bliver holdt ude fra de store tjenester, risikerer det hurtigt at forsvinde helt.

Engelbreth og Holdts filmklip er dog, som det fremgår, igen oppe, nu på i stedet for YouTube.

Se også:
Youtube bortcensurerer Jacob Holdts og Rune Engelbreths video-brev om dansk racisme
An Open Letter to Barack Obama: On Danish Racism

Vlaams Belangs skjulte ansigt

“La face cachée du Vlaams Blok” er et dokumentarprogram fra den fransksprogede belgiske TV-kanal RTBF, der dokumenterer højrepartiet Vlaams Belangs fascistiske rødder – rødder, som det ellers, omend med varierende held, forsøger at skjule bag en “pæn” borgerlig facade.

YouTube-udgaven er med engelske undertekster og er delt i otte afsnit. Hvis du gerne vil se den i højere opløsning, er det muligt at downloade originalen (på fransk med hollandske undertekster) fra Google Video.

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