48 mennesker tilbageholdt efter demonstration i Ægypten
Heraf seks bloggere, bl.a. Alaa Ahmed Seif El Islam, som vist på billedet. Demonstrationen var til fordel for domstolenes uafhængighed, en sag, som den ægyptiske regerings hjerte ikke banker særligt varmt for.

The Sandmonkey forklarer situationen således:
Alaa and those arrested with him are now arrested for 15 days "pending investigation", which could be renewed indefinitely if the state so wishes. Him and the men were sent to the infamous Torah Prison and the girls to the Qanatir prison for the duration. This makes them hardly safe, because stuff that goes on in egyptian prisons on the hands of the jailors: beatings, sexual assaults, torture of all kinds. This is why we aim to get them out of there as soon as possible, so that even if they do end up serving the entire 15 days- which they won't have to if the government gets pressured- they ndon;t end up serving an extra day after that. No one deserves this happening to them, especially for exercising their right to free speech.Mahmood følger sagen til dørs:
As a "leader" of the Arab world, wouldn't you want to be remembered for the good you have done in your life for the very Egypt that all Arabs regard as our mother and our cultural mainstay? Why then are you leaving a legacy of unfulfilled promises? Or has the money and rampant corruption got the better of you? Is your reputation not worth sacrificing your position and yes, even the possible leadership position of your son for? What will you be remembered by when you go, and you definitely will go? Do you wish to be remembered as that deranged old guy that tried to bring the monarchy back to Egypt?Hvis du ønsker at protestere over dette overgreb, kan du skrive til den ægyptiske ambassade:
For the sake of Egypt, let the apprehended go. Let Alaa go back to his wife and his readers. Let the judges continue to attempt to fix their lot for the better of Egypt and the Arab world. Let them question the elections and if they find fault, have the decency to acknowledge a wrong and move on with your life. Don’t waste all that you have achieved in the very last years of your life.
Release Alaa and his colleagues. All they want is a better Egypt.
Egyptens Ambassade - Danmarkog give din mening til kende.
Kristianiagade 19
2100 Copenhagen Ø
Tlf. 35437070, telefax 35253262
Det ville være naturligt at nævne, at deltagelse i fredelige demonstrationer og politisk aktivisme f.eks. via weblogs er en almindelig udøvelse af den ytringsfrihed, som er garanteret af menneskerettighederne. Hvis du ikke ved, hvad du skal skrive, har The Sandmonkey en skabelon, man kan tage udgangspunkt i.

Update, torsdag d. 11. maj. kl. 11.00:
Peter Ravn skriver:
sguda godt en enkelt dansk blog støtter Alaa & ytringsfrihed i Ægypten i betragtning af den massive support DK har fået fra ægyptiske bloggere i muhammedsagenVi siger tak, og lover at fortsætte arbejdet som hidtil - og finder i øvrigt tavsheden fra de mange "ytringsfrihedsforkæmpere" blandt de mere nationale bloggere larmende i denne sag.
fortsæt det gode arbejde