Britisk rigsadvokat: Der er ingen 'krig mod terror'
Den øverste chef for den britiske anklagemyndighed Sir Ken Macdonald (Director of Public Prosecution, en stilling der bedst kan sammenlignes med den danske rigsadvokat) udfordrer åbent sin regering ved at erklære, at der ikke kan være nogen "krig mod terror", og at der er store risici ved at bilde sig ind, at der er.
Således citeres han i The Guardian:
It is critical that we understand that this new form of terrorism carries another more subtle, perhaps equally pernicious, risk. Because it might encourage a fear-driven and inappropriate response. By that I mean it can tempt us to abandon our values. I think it important to understand that this is one of its primary purposes.Sir Ken understreger derfor, at det må være en absolut juridisk trossætning, at terrorisme er en sag for retsvæsnet, og at der ikke er nogen grund til at slække på retssikkerheden eller bevisbyrden af den grund:
London is not a battlefield. Those innocents who were murdered on July 7 2005 were not victims of war. And the men who killed them were not, as in their vanity they claimed on their ludicrous videos, 'soldiers'. They were deluded, narcissistic inadequates. They were criminals. They were fantasists. We need to be very clear about this. On the streets of London, there is no such thing as a 'war on terror', just as there can be no such thing as a 'war on drugs'.
The fight against terrorism on the streets of Britain is not a war. It is the prevention of crime.
We wouldn't get far in promoting a civilising culture of respect for rights amongst and between citizens if we set about undermining fair trials in the simple pursuit of greater numbers of inevitably less safe convictions. On the contrary, it is obvious that the process of winning convictions ought to be in keeping with a consensual rule of law and not detached from it. Otherwise we sacrifice fundamental values critical to the maintenance of the rule of law - upon which everything else depends.Så, kort og godt - Sir Ken siger nej til de britiske antiterrorlove, og nej til selve dén forestilling om en militær "krig mod terror", som Tony Blair sammen med præsident Bush og deres danske halehæng Anders Fogh og Per Stig Møller har gjort til én af sine mærkesager.
Og det er vel svært at gøre andet end at give den juridiske sagkundskab ret: Terror og trusler skal tages alvorligt, og skal efterforskes, pådømmes, opklares og helst forhindres - af retsvæsnet.
Der er ingen grund til at lade os ophidse eller skræmme til at ophæve retssikkerheden eller borgerrettighederne, og der er slet ingen grund til at bilde os ind, at det er et problem, der kan løses med militære midler.
"Krigen mod terror" er et fupnummer.