Egypten: Demonstrér for demokrati - og bliv fyret!
Alaa sidder stadig fængslet og skriver herom i sit seneste brev direkte fra cellen:
Unfortunately, the misfortunes of others are insufficient to relieve the prison experience. Every single day passes slowly and difficultly, every day is heavy, every day brings thoughts of Manal, and every day is prison.Læs hele Alaas brev fra fængslet her (eller her, hvis du læser arabisk).
A powerful feeling of injustice with every appearance before prosecution. You Prosecutor, you son of a dog, you’re capable of relieving me from my imprisonment and your only excuse is that you’re following orders?!
I really wish I could understand the mentality that’s prepared to destroy people’s homes and jeopardize their lives for the sake of orders!
Human Rights First har lanceret en kampagne, hvor du kan gå ind og protestere over fængslingen af Alaa og andre aktivister - protesten vil blive sendt direkte til Egyptens USA-ambassadør samt til indenrigsministeren.
I mellemtiden er Ahmed El Droubi, der sad fængslet i 33 dage (Alaa blev fængslet i en fredelig protest mod fængslingen af bl.a. Droubi) blevet fyret fra sit job hos det multinationale selskab Worley-Parsons.
Man er åbenbart ikke interesseret i at have ansatte, der åbent skilter med at gå ind for ytringsfrihed, demokrati, åbenhed og den slags, men foretrækker ansatte, der støtter de diktaturstater, man nu engang opererer i!
Eller ... måske er der tale om en beklagelig misforståelse, som firmaet vil rette, hvis blot venlige mennesker vil henlede deres opmærksomhed på fejlen.
Den egyptiske blogger Big Pharaoh opfordrer derfor alle til at indsende en protestskrivelse til Worley-Parsons' ledelse.
Brug f.eks. nedenstående skabelon, og de tilhørende navne og adresser:
Subject: Protesting an unjustified dismissalKom nu - det tager højst to minutter! Lad dem vide, at mange potentielle kunder bekymrer sig om, hvordan de gebærder sig i spillerummet mellem diktaturstater og ansatte, der viser sig at kunne tænke selv.
To: Mr. Paul Hardisty, the CEO of the company, Mr. Mohamed Abdel Gawad, Cairo office manager, Mr. Juan Ramon, Madrid office manager, And Ms. Marylou Lauria, Europe Headquarters EIA director.,,,
Dear Sir/Ms.,
I’m writing to protest the unjust dismissal of your Cairo office ecologist, Ahmad Yasser El Droubi, who was detained for 33 days in Tora Prison, for his solidarity with Egypt’s pro-democracy movement.
Firing an employee, for his peaceful political activism, goes against all labor rights regulations. To add insult to the injury, El Droubi was not paid for the work he actually completed during the month of April, prior to his detention.
Moreover, El Droubi received humiliating treatment from your Cairo office manager, Mr. Mohamed Abdel Gawad, who even instructed office staff to supervise El Droubi’s collection of his own personal items after ridiculing his human rights activities.
Due to aforementioned reasons, I demand that El Droubi be paid for work previously completed; in addition to compensating him for the unjust termination of his contract, either through re-instatement or by financial compensation. Signature: