Dagens tilbud - hjælp Khodorkovsky og bliv rig

Jeg har netop modtaget dette fyrstelige tilbud pr. mail:
From: Mikhail KhodorkovskyDet må da være årets chance, så hvad venter du på?Date: Sep 3, 2007 12:02 PM Subject: Good Day To: undisclosed-recipients Dear Partner I am Mikhail Borisovich Khodorkovsky, a businessman and an activist one of Russia's oligarchs, I was convicted for fraud and tax evasion and received a 9-year sentence, and I want you to assist me in investing some amount of money that I secretly kept in a financial company, the total amount is (€ 512,700,000.00.) Presently I am in a jail, as you know this amount is a huge sum of money and I will like you to be honest enough in investing my share for me. The total sum will be divided as 70% for me and 30%for you. I will like you to invest the 70% share of my money in your country pending the year of my realeased, if you are interested kindly indicate by replying my mail. I will disclose to you where my money is kept as soon as I received a favorable response from you. below is my e-mail address (mkhodorkovsky@xxxmail.ru) Kind regards M. Khodorkovsky
Og mens du venter på svar, kan jeg anbefale at du zapper ind på Scam-o-Rama eller How to become rich dotcom, hvor du kan finde mange lignende eller endnu bedre tilbud.