Vietnam flytter hele sin administration til fri software
Samtidig håber man at komme det udbredte software-pirateri til livs. Staten opfordrer landets mange PC-forhandlere til at holde op med at sælge uautoriseret, piratkopieret software og forsyne kunderne med fri/Open Source software i stedet:
All public administrations in Vietnam are to migrate their IT systems to open source. The ministry also wants PC sellers to stop selling PCs with pirated software, asking them to supply these computers with open source instead.Lignende initiativer er også undervejs mange andre steder. Et åbent spørgsmål er - hvor meget kunne Danmark spare, og hvor meget bedre en IT-infrastruktur kunne vi ikke få, ved at smide al ikke-fri software over højre skulder og indføre Open Source over hele linjen?
The Ministry of Information and Communications on 30 December issued an instruction telling all state agencies to start using open source, reports the government-owned Vietnamnet news agency.
At the end of the year, the software should be installed on 70 percent of all PCs and at least 40 percent of the users should be using the applications. At the end of 2010, all staff in all agencies must be able to use the selected open source applications, the ministry expects.
According to a report by the IDG news service, the Southeast Asian country hopes that using open source will boost the local software sector. In 2004 it began promoting this type of software in universities and in public administrations.
Vietnam is the third country that is massively migrating to open source software. Venezuela announced such plans for all of its 27 ministries and more than 520 other public organisations in 2005. The organisations where originally expected to migrate before December 2007. The deadline was later extended to the end of last year.
The open source centre of the Malaysian government last week reported that moving the Malaysian public sector to open source has resulted in savings on licence costs of 40 million MYR (about 8.5 million euro). In its quarterly newsletter, the open source resource centre, writes for example that OpenOffice is being used by 12,760 civil servants. Using the open source alternative is saving the government 12 million MYR (about 2.5 million euro) in licence fees.
Der kan ikke være nogen tvivl om, at det er store beløb, vi snakker om.
Link: Vietnam to move all public administrations to open source