And now for something completely different

... og for nu ikke at lade det hele sande til i utidig politisk korrekthed:
Curt Purcell ovre hos Groovy Age of Horror har udnævnt den netop forgange måned til nazisploitation month.
Så hvis man er interesseret i en lang række omtaler af primært paperbacks, men også tegneserier, og se en lang række "spændende" covers fra genren, ja så ... er det bare med at hoppe over og se!
En af genrens fans er serieforfatteren Tina Anderson, der har denne forklaring om sammenhængen mellem en så speciel intersse og hendes egen jødiske baggrund:
Due to my mother’s background [she was interned at Ravensbruck as a young girl] there were things we didn’t bring into the house; things related to the Holocaust [my mother was not the sort of survivor that talked to her children about such things], and of course, anything with a swastika on it. Did that stop me from digging Nazisploitation stuff? No. Did it stop me from bringing it into the house? No, but I never kept it in the house where my mother could find it. 0_o. I kept it in my room, at school. LOL! Now I did tend to avoid ‘concentration camp’ style stories, that dealt with women. They always irked me; but then I got my hands on Chris Davidson’s Go Down Aaron, and it turned me on so bad, that I went out and actually started looking for gay Nazisploitation pulp.Link.