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Og så for at det ikke bare skal være layout det hele, et banner for en ny side for konspirationsnørder: The Truth about 29/4:
Det lader til, at en motorvejsbro i USA er styrtet sammen, og myndighederne lader som om det bare skyldes smeltede stålkonstruktioner efter en brand.
Nu ved vi jo imidlertid fra konspirationsteorierne om 11. september, at stål ikke kan smelte og få en konstruktion til at bryde sammen på den måde:
The “official story” from “official government sources” is that weekend a lone gas truck driver crashed a single tanker loaded with 8,600 gallons of unleaded gasoline into a guardrail in what they say was an ordinary accident. Unfortunately there are too many questionable statements, too many conflicting reports, and too many outright impossibilities for any serious, thoughtful individual to take this “official report” seriously.Hvad skjuler myndighederne, og hvorfor skjuler de det?Let’s review the facts.
- The bridge should have easily withstood the thermal stress caused by pools of burning auto fuel.
- If steel from those overpasses did soften or melt, I’m sure we can all agree that this was certainly not due to auto fuel fires of any kind, let alone the briefly burning fire under that bridge.
- 800º C is near the maximum flame temperature of hydrocarbons burning in air without pre-heating or pressurization of the air, well below the melting temperature of steel.
- It is impossible for fire to melt steel.
- The section of the bridge appears to have fallen straight down, exactly as it would have from demolition charges.
Unlike the World Trade Center, the 580/980/880/80 overpass was reinforced against earthquakes and was not under the enormous compressive load that the towers were when they fell. The overpass was designed to support gridlocked traffic in an earthquake, but it collapsed without even a single car on it. The fire consumed only 8,600 gallons of fuel, whereas the WTC was allegedly brought down by 24,000 gallons of fuel. Does Governor Schwarzenegger really expect us to believe a story even more preposterous than the already-discredited official story about 9/11?To answer the question “Who is responsible for this terrible tragedy?” we must ask who stood to gain the most. George Soros? The California Department of Transportation? The Jews?
(Denne del af historien er via Boing Boing, der til gengæld er ganske uskyldige i vore layout-beslutninger eller mangel på samme).