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30. Mar 2005

Fagre nye Irak

Endnu en solskinshistorie fra det besattebefriede Irak:
THE students had begun to lay out their picnic in the spring sunshine when the men attacked.

"There were dozens of them, armed with guns, and they poured into the park," said Ali al-Azawi, 21, the engineering student who had organised the gathering in Basra.

"They started shouting at us that we were immoral, that we were meeting boys and girls together and playing music, and that this was against Islam.

"They began shooting in the air and people screamed. Then, with one order, they began beating us with their sticks and rifle butts."

Two students are said to have been killed. Standing over them as the blows rained down was the man who gave the order, dressed in dark clerical garb and wearing a black turban. Mr Azawi recognised him immediately as a follower of Moqtada al-Sadr, the radical Shia cleric.

He realised then that the armed men were members of al-Sadr's Mehdi Army, a private militia that fought American forces last year and is now enforcing its own firebrand version of Islam.

The picnic had run foul of the Islamist powers that increasingly hold sway in the flyblown southern city, where religious militias rule the streets, forcing women to don the veil and closing down shops that sell alcohol or music.
Man kan selvfølgelig mene, at hvis Iraks shiamuslimer virkelig er i flertal og ønsker indførelse af en talebanstat, then "so be it" - skønt alt dog tyder på, at mange shiaer er præcis så kede som alle andre af de herrer Al-Sadrs og Sistanis stormtropper og moraliseren, således at episoder som ovenstående først og fremmest handler om en højtråbende minoritets forsøg på at presse deres egen "sandhed" ned i halsen på alle andre:
Sistani is an Iranian cleric quietly pushing a frightening agenda and we're feeling the pressure of it every day.
En del af virkeligheden i Irak i dag er, mao., fascicstiske bøller, der terroriserer kvinder, der vover at gå uden slør, gå med bukser eller passe et arbejde uden for hjemmet - ting, som irakiske kvinder kunne gøre som den største selvfølge under Saddam.

Så ... hvor slemt man end har det i dag, skal man aldrig sige, det ikke kan blive værre. USA har med invasionen i marts 2003 formået at gøre livet være for stort set alle irakere - og det til trods for, at Saddam i alle henseender var a tough act to follow.
