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24. Jan 2008

Gaza: Historiens største fangeflugt

Palestinians fleeing Gaza En bombe sprængte hul i hegnet mellem Gaza og Ægypten, og 350.000 palæstinensere styrtede ud for at købe nye forsyninger af farlige militært-strategisk vigtige materialer som mel, frugt, konserves og medicin ...

Kabobfest betegner udbruddet som historiens største fangeflugt og ledsager historien med dette spark:
Afterwards, Egyptian dictator Hosni Mubarak claimed to allow the Palestinians entry so as to not starve, though he has - up to this point - shown little concern for Palestinian lives while willingly enforcing Israel's blockade. In particular, he has refused entry of critically ill Palestinians and passage of goods despite warnings by countless humanitarian organizations of the threat to life. Coincidentally, Mubarak's change in heart came simultaneously with the Palestinian breach in the border wall, and subsequent mass influx of Palestinians. Meanwhile, Israeli President Shimon Peres has lashed out at the Palestinians for not obediantly accepting their own starvation, alleging that the entry of Palestinian civilians into Egypt for food and fuel is a mistake responsible for "killing people." Apparently, the Israeli President believes that Palestinian survival is a mistake.
Og det er også svært at finde noget mere manende bevis på den hjerteskærende humanitære situation, Gaza efterhånden er drevet ud i, og som søges legitimeres af Hamas' amatøragtige Qassam-(nytårs-)raketter, der har resulteret i at op til flere af den israelske grænseby Sderots indbyggere i et par dage ikke har kunnet gå tur med hunden.

Haitham Sabbah benytter lejligheden til at rette et bittert angreb på de arabiske ledere i almindelighed og præsident Abbas i særdeleshed under overskriften "Aren’t Arabs (and president Abbas) ashamed of themselves?":

Channel4 - Dozens of Egyptian police with search dogs used batons to beat the bonnets of private cars and pick-up trucks that massed at the border to carry Palestinians further into Egyptian territory.

Image by: Ben Heine
Gaza under siege

US and Arab officials said on Wednesday that Egypt had assured the US it would soon reseal its border with the Gaza Strip. Read On!

Not saying that Hamas is better than Abbas or the Palestinian Authority or any other Arab Authorities, but didn’t Hamas offer a cease fire? Aren’t the Israelis changing the discourse from a “halt on rocket attacks for a halt on invasion” to a “halt on rocket attacks for food and fuel?” Despite all this, they put the blame on Hamas and it’s control on Gaza.

Yes, Hamas should let go the control to someone else, but Abbas and allies to play this dirty game to corner Hamas is not by any means appreciated by anyone. Palestinians in Gaza are not grateful for anyone in breaking the siege by themselves without any help from Arab. In fact this is another lessons for the world leaders that Palestinian mass can (and will) take control of the ship at any moment and turn the table on the cowered heads.

Hvordan kan man forsvare at lade halvanden million mennesker langsomt sulte ihjel i en krydsning mellem en koncentrationslejr og et åbent fængsel, blot fordi det passer israelerne militært? Hvad gør, kunne man fristes til at spørge, den danske regering for at lægge pres på Israel for atter at få åbnet grænsen?
