Liberalismens triumf?
Forleden bragte punditokraten Jakob Mchangama et indlæg om, hvor forrygende godt det går med israelsk økonomi efter en række nylige privatiseringer og liberaliseringer.
Hvad, kunne man i den forbindelse spørge, mon med underbeskæftigelse, fattigdom og sult, også blandt børn?
Et spørgsmål, som der indlysende ikke levnes megen plads til at svare på i den liberale "model", der mere bærer præg af halleluja-trossætninger om markedets forunderlige magi end af empirisk belæg for, hvad der virker og ikke virker.
I dagens Ha'aretz opsummerer kolumnisten Yossi Sarid i et "sublimt" og veltalende stykke journalistik bagsiden af privatiseringsmedaljen, en bagside vi såmænd også kommer til at se mere af herhjemme:
There is no other Western country in which 19 families control more than half the business-sector product, which constitutes the lion's share of the gross domestic product; in which their income comes to NIS 248 billion, which is 88 percent of the state budget; in which they are worth 54 percent of the entire business sector product. There is no other country in which the average wage costs of a senior executive in a publicly traded company comes to NIS 7.67 million a year, or NIS 639,000 a month - 48 times the wage costs of someone earning the minimum wage and 22 times those of someone earning the average wage. Was Sodom also accepted as a member of the Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development?Det er journalistik, der rykker holdninger - hvis ellers der er nogen, der hører efter.
Over the last few weeks, there have been bitter complaints about the decreasing percentage of people doing military service. When the defense minister complains, who would not be concerned? But the state itself refuses to be drafted and leaves its casualties in the field. This is a country that serves only one Moloch: Only for the sake of security are even the forlorn prepared to hand over their golden nose rings, while the high priests anoint their skin with oil and sprinkle perfume and holy water on their flock.
This, idiots, is the financial approach that is destroying everything good in this country: divide and conquer, privatize and conquer, privatize the material and the spiritual. More than ever, we are building a privatization fence here that protects the few and leaves the many, including the middle class, vulnerable. Even in England, people are already regretting the far-reaching consequences of privatization, and not just in England - just not here. Here they will continue throwing many very dry bones, and these bones shall not live.