Som udtrykt af tuneseren Leilouta:

Recipe for Muslim Anger:Sagt med andre ord: Den "spontane" reaktion på pavens udtalelser er omhyggeligt iscenesat og orkestreret, vreden er måske nok oppisket i "pøblen", men det er sandelig ikke folket selv, der puster til ilden.
Take non-Muslim comment containing the word Mohammed.
Knead in distortion and lies.
Sprinkle with righteous indignation.
Let rise for a day or two.
Add demands for apology.
Set aside.
Reject explanations.
Distribute to hungry mouths.
This delicious dish will give the eater the strength and courage to burn flags, destroy property, and kill 70 year old women who spend their life in the service of God.
Abu Aardvark opsummerer de egentlige bagmænd hurtigere, end nogen kan nå at sige "korrupte, tyranniske regimer":
It isn't just the radical voices loudly beating the drum against the Pope's remarks, like al-Quds al-Arabi (on the Arab nationalist side) or various Islamists (including Shaykh Mohammed Fadlallah and the Muslim Brotherhood, which said today that it did not consider the Pope's expression of regret adequate) or al-Jazeera (which, as predicted, is going to town with a story which has all the hallmarks of a ratings winner). The campaign has immediately been taken up by the Saudis and their media: the top editorial in today's al-Sharq al-Awsat (which has become a fairly reliable proxy for official Saudi policy thinking) declares that the Pope insulted both Christianity and Islam with his remarks. Hossein Shobakshi, a Saudi columnist for al-Sharq al-Awsat and host of an al-Arabiya TV show, denounces the Pope's remarks as unprecedented stupidity. And at the policy level, the Gulf Cooperation Council has demanded a full apology from the Pope ...Bemærk den ihærdige aktivitet fra USAs absolut vigtigste allierede i området - det er dem, kan man sige, der har mest at dække over (og selv har mindst at risikere), og som i tilfældet med karikaturkrisen derfor også dem, der råber højest.