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29. Jan 2008

NO2ID: Planer om at 'tvinge' briterne til ID-kort lækket


Den britiske borgerretsbevægelse NO2ID har opsnappet og annoteret et dokument, der viser, hvordan den britiske regering har tænkt sig at lokke, true og tvinge den britiske befolkning til at acceptere nationale ID-kort - en foranstaltning, der vil muliggøre en også for os danskere hidtil uset overvågning af befolkningen.

NO2ID forklarer og opfordrer:
UK campaigners NO2ID this morning enlisted the help of bloggers across the world to spread a leaked government document describing how the British government intends to go about "coercing" its citizens onto a National Identity Register. The 'ID card' is revealed as little more than a cover to create a official dossier and trackable ID for every UK resident - creating what NO2ID calls 'the database state'.

NO2ID's national coordinator, Phil Booth, exhorted bloggers, freedom lovers and anyone who gives a damn about personal privacy to mirror the annotated document on their site.

"The charade is over. While ministers try to bamboozle the British public with fairytales about fingerprints, officials are plotting how to dupe and bully the population into surrendering control of their own identities."

"Biometric ID cards are a sham; a magician's flourish to cover the biggest identity fraud there has ever been."

Vi har tilladt os at følge opfordringen og har gjort dokumentet tilgængeligt her.

Via Boing Boing.

Læs også: ID-kort - civil ulydighed på vej?
