Torture Inc. America’s Brutal Prisons
Da rædslerne i Abu Ghraib-fængslet blev afsløret, vakte det forfærdelse verden over, og præsident George Bush erklærede, at "this is not what we do in America".
Det var dog ikke helt præcist - faktisk var det, som denne dokumentarfilm fra det britiske Channel 4 viser til overflod, lige netop "what was already done in America":
Viderebringes her til almindelig oplysning (ca. 50 minutter).
Programmets ophavskvinde Deborah Davies har også skrevet en uddybende artikel om programmet, hvor hun bl.a. forklarer:
The images of abuse and brutality he records are horrifyingly familiar. These were exactly the kind of pictures from inside Abu Ghraib prison in Baghdad that shocked the world this time last year.Link til filmen hos Google Video, hvor den også kan ses i større format.
And they are similar, too, to the images of brutality against Iraqi prisoners that this week led to the conviction of three British soldiers.
But there is a difference. These prisoners are not caught up in a war zone. They are Americans, and the video comes from inside a prison in Texas
One of the prison reformers we met on our journey across the U.S. told me: ‘We’ve become immune to the abuse. The brutality has become customary.’
Abu Ghraib, Guantanamo – or even Texas. The prisoners and all guards may vary, but the abuse is still too familiar. And much of it is taking place in America’s own backyard.
Hat tip: Haitham Sabbah.