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20. Oct 2006

USA: Vi har tabt slaget om Bagdad

Som vi læser i dagens Guardian, mener præsident Bush nu, at situationen i Irak begynder at nærme sig den, der indtrådte med Tet-offensiven undr Vietnam-krigen - som var det, der for alvor satte skred i det amerikanske nederlag:
A day after George Bush conceded for the first time that America may have reached the equivalent of a Tet offensive in Iraq, the Pentagon yesterday admitted defeat in its strategy of securing Baghdad.

The admission from President Bush that the US may have arrived at a turning point in this war - the Tet offensive led to a massive loss of confidence in the American presence in Vietnam - comes during one of the deadliest months for US forces since the invasion.

Yesterday the number of US troops killed since October 1 rose to 73, deepening the sense that America is trapped in an unwinnable situation and further damaging Republican chances in midterm elections that are less than three weeks away.
The bleak assessment arrives as official thinking appears to be shifting on the war, with reports that a study group led by a Bush family loyalist and former secretary of state, James Baker, could be drawing up an exit plan for US forces in Iraq.

Such a strategy would once have been unthinkable for Mr Bush, who famously vowed to keep US forces in Iraq even if he was supported only by his wife, Laura, and dog, Barney.
Samtidig er de amerikanske Irak-troppers moral på nulpunktet efter en måned med stadig mere intense angreb.

Hvornår vågner Kongressen og den amerikanske befolkning op - og indser, at denne krig er én af de største militære katastrofer i USAs historie - i hvert fald siden borgerkrigen?
