USA vs al-Arian: Indespærring, isolationsfængsling og politisk forfølgelse

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USA vs Al-Arian virker som en af de dokumentarfilm, man burde se, men ved, man ikke vil få det godt af at se:
"USA vs Al-Arian" is a disturbing film on freedom of speech in post 9/11 America and political persecution. The film follows the arrest and trial of Sami Al-Arian, an Arab-American university professor accused of supporting a terrorist organization abroad. For two and a half years Dr. Al-Arian was held in solitary confinement, denied basic privileges and given limited access to his attorneys. The film is an intimate family portrait documenting how a tight-knit family unravels before our very eyes as trial preparations, strategy and media spin consume their lives. Norwegian director Line Halvorsen has made a damning portrait of the case focusing on the trial’s emotional toll. This is a nightmare come to life, as a man is prosecuted for his beliefs rather than his actions.Via KABOBfest.