– fordi tiden kræver et MODSPIL

20. Oct 2015

Hvorfor du ikke skal forstyrre en programmør


Af Jason Heeris.

14. Apr 2015

Computerekspertens hemmelighed



12. Jul 2014

They Owe You


Fra Zen Pencils.

19. Mar 2014

Google ønsker Vakse Viggo tillykke med fødselsdagen

Gaston Lagaffe Google Doodle
Dagens Google Doodle.

Lidt presseomtale kan det også kaste af sig.

19. Jun 2011

When did we forget our dreams?

XKCD: Fuck. That. Shit. (When did we forget our dreams?)
Fuck. That. Shit. Ladies and gentlemen, xkcd. (reprise, den er for god til ikke at gentage).

04. Nov 2010

Ubunchu - manga om Ubuntu


Ubunchu er en ægte japansk manga, der handler om Ubuntu og hvad, der er godt (og skidt) ved dette system.

De to sider ovenfor (som du kan se i fuld, læselig størrelse ved at klikke på dem) er fra seriens syvende afsnit og viser en situation, som mange arrangører nok har prøvet: Man stabler et stort arrangement på benene, klar til at fremvise verdens 8. vidunder, og så kommer der ... ikke så mange, som man havde ønsket sig.

I de øvrige afsnit gennemspilles en lang række andre klassiske Ubuntu-situationer. De indtil videre seks tilgængelige afsnit kan findes på www.ubunchu.net.

05. Oct 2009

Helga - italiensk sexploitation (for fuld udblæsning)

The Groovy Age of Horror dækker forskellige aspekter af den mere horrible populærkultur, og vi har tidligere tidligere citeret op til flere af deres indlæg.

Ét af disse aspekter er
sexploitation-tegneserier. Vi tillader os her at gengive ét af de mere høviske indlæg i denne genre in toto, så ingen skal gå glip af det ... med tak til Curt Purcell og Jaakko.

Helga N. 25: Colpo Grosso A Ceylon (Heavy Strike In Ceylon)

In Ceylon, the Tamil Tigers have launched an all-scale attack against the British Army.

Even British women are not safe, because their servant girls have turned against them.

When Helga arrives, she finds out that her old nemesis Li-Chen and her Japanese nazi buddies have brain-washed the Tamils and are using them for their own purposes. Helga immediately lets Li-Chen capture her and is taken to a Nazi submarine.

There she witnesses her friend Marylin getting tortured.

LI-CHEN: See? One of my slaves is whipping Marylin's flesh, and the other one is dropping candle-wax onto her wounds!
HELGA: No shit, Sherlock! (Ok, so she doesn't really reply anything. So sue me.)

Li-Chen doesn't know that before getting captured Helga de-hypnotized the Tamils, and they are now attacking the nazis.

After strangling the torturers...

...Helga has a cat-fight with the Japanese she-beast herself.

HELGA: Did you think only the Japanese know judo?

LI-CHEN: And do you know the... "scissors"?

HELGA: This, however, is one of my own creations.
LI-CHEN: By the svastika!

But in the end Li-Chen's judo is better, and she is the only nazi who manages to escape. The End.

Link: Helga N. 25: Colpo Grosso A Ceylon (Heavy Strike In Ceylon)

27. Nov 2008



Unspeakable, en stemningsfuld tegneserie af chileneren Juan Santapau.

14. Oct 2008

Steal This Comic: Hvorfor kopibeskyttelse (DRM) ikke virker

Steal This Comic
Note: DRM = "Digital Rights Management" = kopibeskyttelse.

Tegnerens kommentar for enden af linket: "I spent more time trying to get an audible.com audio book playing than it took to listen to the book. I have lost every other piece of DRM-locked music I have paid for."

Link: Steal This Comic.

28. Aug 2008

The Marvel

The Marvel

The Marvel er en tegnet biografi af den amerikanske raketforsker og okkultist Jack Parsons (1914-52).

Jack Parsons var hele sit korte liv først og fremmest optaget af to ting, at bygge raketter og Crowley-inspireret okkultisme.

Parsons udgav i 1950 essay-samlingen Freedom is a two-edged sword, som jeg ikke har læst, men hvis forord røber en meget stærk og sympatisk liberalisme og frihedstrang:
Since I first wrote this essay in 1946, some of the more ominous predictions have been fulfilled. Public employees have been subjected to the indignity of "loyalty" oaths and the ignominy of loyalty purges. Members of the United States Senate, moving under the cloak of immunity and the excuse of emergency, have made a joke of justice and a mockery of privacy. Constitutional immunity and legal procedure have been consistently violated and that which once would have been an outrage in America is today refused even a review by the Supreme Court...

As I write, the United States Senate is pursuing a burlesque investigation into the sphere of private sexual morals, which will accomplish nothing except to bring pain and sorrow to many innocent persons.

The inertia and acquiescence which allows the suspension of our liberties would once have been unthinkable. The present ignorance and indifference is appalling. The little that is worthwhile in our civilization and culture is made possible by the few who are capable of creative thinking and independent action, grudgingly assisted by the rest. When the majority of men surrender their freedom, barbarism is near but when the creative minority surrender it, the Dark Age has arrived. Even the word liberalism has now become a front for a new social form of Christian morality. Science, that was going to save the world back in H.G. Wells' time, is regimented, strait-jacketed and scared; its universal language is diminished to one word, security.
Den endnu ufærdige web-tegneserie om hans liv, med manuskript af Richard Carbonneau og tegninger af Robin Simon, lover godt: De tyve-tredive sider, der allerede ligger klar, er begyndelsen på en fascinerende historie om en ung mand med mærkelige ideer, der gerne ville bygge raketter. Hvordan det skal ende ved jeg ikke, men det er det jo også først meningen, man skal finde ud af til sidst.

Webtegneserien The Marvel (brug linket med "First" nederst på siden for at gå til første side).

Se også:
Dagens citat: Jack Parsons om virkelighed.

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